Are you also confronted with the issues of trai­ning, skills shortages and service compe­tence?


Staff fluc­tua­tion, skills shortages, service compe­tence — these issues pose major chal­lenges for many compa­nies in a wide range of indus­tries.

Train your employees and custo­mers at any time and from any loca­tion with bitnamic CONNECT – Academy to prepare them in the best possible way for prac­tical use.

Train employees and custo­mers, increase exper­tise, impart skills


Digi­tize trai­ning and further educa­tion: With bitnamic CONNECT – Academy, you can train your employees and custo­mers quickly, easily and secu­rely in courses, trai­ning sessions, further trai­ning or onboar­ding.

Teaching and impar­ting know­ledge

Ensure the educa­tion of your employees with the help of prepared trai­ning courses for service compe­tence. You can also impart know­ledge to your custo­mers and increase exper­tise for your products.

Specific know­ledge tests to monitor lear­ning progress

Test the know­ledge imparted in the trai­ning courses using tests (e.g. multiple choice ques­tions) and ensure lear­ning success with pass rates.

Remote know­ledge transfer via live trai­ning

Hold remote trai­ning sessions in a mode­rated video confe­rence. Reduce time and costs, as parti­ci­pants don’t have to travel.

Trai­ning and onboar­ding easier than ever

Digital trai­ning

You want to foster inde­pen­dent lear­ning and at the same time monitor lear­ning progress?

With digital trai­ning, you can ensure inde­pen­dent lear­ning and trai­ning for your employees or custo­mers regard­less of time and place. At the same time, you can monitor lear­ning progress.

Clear over­view of trai­ning courses

All upco­ming trai­ning courses are listed in the trai­ning over­view. Trai­ning courses can be started here and the progress made can be seen. Check the status of the lear­ning successin the dash­board or use detailed proto­cols to monitor the trai­ning progress.

Easy manage­ment of trai­ning courses

Create trai­ning courses using our What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get editor in the browser. Parti­ci­pants can also be assi­gned and time periods and pass rates can be defined here. The trai­ning content itself consists of indi­vi­dual lessons.

Specific know­ledge transfer and testing with lessons

Impart know­ledge in the form of lessons. With lessons, lear­ning and know­ledge content is created and combined with all kinds of media and docu­ments. Accor­ding to the Create-Once-Use-Ever­y­where approach, you can also use lessons in our Docu­men­ta­tion Hub module or within Remote Main­ten­ance sessions.

Docu­men­table service compe­tence

By successfully comple­ting trai­ning courses, (time-limited) quali­fi­ca­tions can be obtained, e.g. to record the level of compe­tence of staff.

Lear­ning toge­ther

Live trai­ning

You prefer the personal demons­tra­tion of important lear­ning units, but would like to reduce costly and time-consuming travel by trai­ners and parti­ci­pants?

Hold live digital trai­ning sessions in the form of a mode­rated video confe­rence.

Remote live trai­ning with multiple parti­ci­pants

Host live trai­ning online, test the successful transfer of know­ledge with ques­tions and use the options for displaying lessons or media of all kinds.

Sche­duled live trai­ning

Orga­nize and plan your trai­ning courses with the session sche­du­ling tool and auto­ma­ti­cally invite parti­ci­pants by e‑mail (inclu­ding calendar entries).

Flexible role assign­ment for a smooth trai­ning course

Assign parti­ci­pants diffe­rent roles and ther­e­fore diffe­rent autho­riza­tions. Access a variety of useful func­tions in the parti­ci­pant list, e.g. indi­vi­dual muting. Ques­tions can be asked using the silent raise hand feature or in the chat.

bitnamic CONNECT Datenbrillen

Explai­ning products using 3D models in live trai­ning

3D Manager

For a thorough under­stan­ding of machines and systems, you want to be able to visua­lize compon­ents or assem­blies down to the last screw? 

Explain such complex issues by using our 3D Manager to visua­lize parts, compon­ents or assem­blies live.

Clear presen­ta­tion of 3D models

View 3D models toge­ther with the trai­ning parti­ci­pants and provide insights into how they workto give a better under­stan­ding of the component(s).

Detailed visua­liza­tion of indi­vi­dual compon­ents

Use helpful tools like the inte­grated compo­nent list, the adjus­table exploded view, the trans­pa­rency slider, the selec­tive marking or hiding of selected compon­ents or the text and anno­ta­tion func­tion to delve deep into the details of a model.

Prepare scenes and use them in trai­ning

Save 3D models (inclu­ding anno­ta­tions, fade-outs, markers, selected degree of explo­sion, etc.) in the form of scenes for later use in digital trai­ning courses.

The topic of trai­ning has never been so easy to tackle

Fields of appli­ca­tion

With bitnamic CONNECT – Academy, you benefit from a wide range of possible appli­ca­tions in the field of trai­ning:


Prevent staff fluc­tua­tion and ensure that your employees are correctly instructed and trained. Digital trai­ning courses help with the first steps in the company and provide infor­ma­tion about important work processes.

Regular / Recur­ring trai­ning

Whether trai­ning courses on data protec­tion, compli­ance, IT secu­rity or general hazard trai­ning — some trai­ning courses need to be repeated regu­larly as a refresher. With bitnamic CONNECT – Academy, you can easily and conve­ni­ently create, manage and assign series trai­ning.


Brie­fings can also be easily created and managed. Benefit here from the possi­bi­li­ties that e.g. safety-rele­vant queries and confir­ma­tions must be requested or certi­fi­cates of compe­tence can be issued after successful instruc­tion.

Product know­ledge / Trai­ning

Coun­teract the skills shortage with product-related trai­ning and courses. Provide lear­ning content and use know­ledge tests to check under­stan­ding. In addi­tion, build up trai­ning chains so that certain trai­ning courses are only possible after the successful comple­tion of previous courses.

Customer trai­ning

Hold customer trai­ning courses and train your custo­mers in the use of your products. Mone­tize these trai­ning courses and make them available to your paying custo­mers (e.g. for a certain period of time).

Live trai­nings

Some issues are better explained in person. Use live trai­ning sessions and assign parti­ci­pants as you wish (e.g. via regis­tra­tion).

Why bitnamic CONNECT – Academy?

Your advan­tages at a glance

Intui­tive hand­ling

Easy crea­ting and editing of trai­ning courses without prior tech­nical know­ledge

Easy access

Effort­less access via internet browser, no app down­load required

Device-inde­pen­dent access

Easy access on all end devices

User-friendly inter­face

Excel­lent usabi­lity of the user inter­face for trai­ners and trai­nees

Various appli­ca­tions

Variable use, e.g. for onboar­ding, brie­fings, product trai­ning, customer trai­ning

Coll­ec­tive editing

Optional sharing of trai­ning courses with other trai­ners for colla­bo­ra­tive editing.

Indi­vi­dual assign­ment

Flexible assign­ment of trai­ning courses to indi­vi­dual trai­nees or trainee groups

Diffe­rent languages

Large selec­tion of languages to choose from when crea­ting trai­ning courses

Veri­fiable skill level

Optional inte­gra­tion of multiple-choice quizzes for quick assess­ment of lear­ning success

Full control

Optional depen­den­cies and pass rates to ensure trai­ning comple­tion

Orga­nized lear­ning

Increased lear­ning success thanks to the struc­ture of the trai­ning courses, inclu­ding chro­no­lo­gical depen­dency

Lasting exper­tise

Effec­tive transfer of lear­ning content for long-term know-how

Inde­pen­dent lear­ning

Auto­no­mous lear­ning at any place, at any time

Joint lear­ning

Coll­ec­tive acqui­si­tion of know­ledge during live trai­ning sessions, inclu­ding flexible role assign­ment

Digital onboar­ding

Time-saving trai­ning of employees

Descrip­tive 3D Manager

Live visua­liza­tion of CAD models in joint trai­ning sessions for a better under­stan­ding of machines and compon­ents

GDPR-compliant data protec­tion

Secure hosting with server loca­tion in Germany

Own design

Free choice between stan­dard design, white label bran­ding or company-specific corpo­rate design

Get to know the poten­tial of bitnamic CONNECT — Academy live
