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You have further ques­tions or want to

expe­ri­ence bitnamic CONNECT live?


Get in touch with us.

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We would be glad to help you

Whether you just have a ques­tion or are inte­rested in a non-committal first talk — we are here for you. Please fill out the form below and briefly describe your request. We will respond to you as soon as possible.


Chris­to­pher Poelker

Sales Manager

“My moti­va­tion is to make compa­nies fit for digital change and to steer their future in the service and main­ten­ance sector in a posi­tive direc­tion. To this end, I accom­pany and support custo­mers from various indus­tries in all matters concer­ning Industry 4.0.”

bitnamic CONNECT Demo

Book a demo appoint­ment

Expe­ri­ence live the possi­bi­li­ties and bene­fits for your service

  We would be happy to present bitnamic CONNECT to you – on request on-site in your company. Please fill out the follo­wing form. Key content of the live demo:

  • Presen­ta­tion of features and func­tions
  • Presen­ta­tion of possible appli­ca­tion scena­rios
  • Active joint perfor­mance of prac­tical examples

In addi­tion, we offer you a free trial of bitnamic CONNECT.
