At the end of November 2019, the After Sales Service trade confe­rence will be held for the tenth time in Cologne. The aim of this event is to develop a growing network for know­ledge transfer between rese­arch and industry in the long term. The confe­rence is aimed in parti­cular at specia­lists and mana­gers as well as stake­hol­ders from the field of after sales service for high-quality end products.

Over a total of two days, four focus topics will be high­lighted in the form of lectures and discus­sions: “Connected products & related services”, “Lean leader­ship and quali­fi­ca­tion in service”, “Digital inno­va­tions in the service process” and “Close to the customer: How to sell Service”. Our mobile, video-supported service solu­tion Remote Main­ten­ance Assis­tance (RMA) falls into the first block and will be presented by our Sales Manager Chris­to­pher Siemer.

You can learn more about the advan­tages of remote main­ten­ance in the context of his presen­ta­tion “Incre­asing the effi­ci­ency of service? How Remote Support improves world­wide service” you will learn about the versa­tile func­tion­a­lity of RMA. Further­more, we would like to intro­duce our new product, the “Instant Messenger of the industry”: This guaran­tees an even faster exch­ange between service tech­ni­cian and expert before the actual video call, makes it possible to open group chats and receive push noti­fi­ca­tions. Thus, help­desk, service tech­ni­cians and your custo­mers are directly connected thanks to the Instant Messenger.

We look forward to your visit on November 19, the 1st confe­rence day, at 14:00 hrs.

Confe­rence: After Sales Service
19–20 November 2019
Bitnamic presen­ta­tion by Sales Manager Chris­to­pher Siemer: 1st confe­rence day, 2 pm
