You want to provide your employees and custo­mers with stan­dar­dized docu­men­ta­tion?

Docu­men­ta­tion Hub

More complex machines, a wide variety of models, old and new problems — even expe­ri­enced service tech­ni­cians occa­sio­nally need to refer to further docu­men­ta­tion and infor­ma­tion.

Sear­ching for it takes time and, taking into account longer produc­tion delays or down­times, conse­quently costs money.

You would also like to provide your custo­mers with digital manuals, docu­ments and infor­ma­tion?

With the bitnamic CONNECT – Docu­men­ta­tion Hub, your employees and custo­mers will always find the right docu­men­ta­tion and infor­ma­tion at the right time.

Solve problems inde­pendently


Coll­ec­ting know­ledge, bund­ling know­ledge, provi­ding know­ledge - that’s what the bitnamic CONNECT — Docu­men­ta­tion Hub stands for.

Find the know­ledge you need straight away

Digi­tize infor­ma­tion, docu­men­ta­tion and content that can be accessed by your employees and custo­mers at any time and from anywhere in a matter of seconds.

Clear coll­ec­tion of docu­men­ta­tion

Offer content on machines or compon­ents as cate­go­ries or products inclu­ding infor­ma­tion of all kinds in various (media) forms.

Fast trou­ble­shoo­ting with helpful instruc­tions

Provide step-by-step instruc­tions for known service issues or main­ten­ance cases that can be opened directly out of the product.

Remote Maintenance Whiteboard

All infor­ma­tion in one place

Central docu­men­ta­tion coll­ec­tion

You would like to create a central coll­ec­tion of docu­men­ta­tion for your employees and custo­mers so that they don’t have to spend a long time sear­ching for infor­ma­tion?

Use the nume­rous features of the bitnamic CONNECT – Docu­men­ta­tion Hub

Clear display of docu­men­ta­tion

All docu­men­ta­tion is cate­go­rized and listed in the Docu­men­ta­tion Hub. Content can be easily found using the search func­tion.

Flexible sharing of docu­men­ta­tion

Share content with groups of employees, specific custo­mers or other people. Time-limited shares are also possible

Media prepa­ra­tion of infor­ma­tion

Fill docu­ments with infor­ma­tion in the form of text, images, videos, PDFs, related links, 3D models or instruc­tions using our intui­tive editor.

Know­ledge transfer through step-by-step instruc­tions

Provide know­ledge in the form of step-by-step instruc­tions or work­flows and combine them with all kinds of media to illus­trate process steps for ensu­ring compli­ance with proce­dures.

Easy sharing of content

Benefit from the easy import/export func­tion (HTML5) for further use.

Direct linking using inter­faces

Use the central docu­men­ta­tion coll­ec­tion, for example, as a spare parts catalog with links to (partner) stores via APIs.

Adhere to processes and work­flows step by step


Your tech­ni­cians should be able to handle known service cases, routine main­ten­ance or stan­dar­dized main­ten­ance processes inde­pendently? Custo­mers should also be able to perform stan­dar­dized processes using digital work­flows?

Support the execu­tion of such processes with step-by-step instruc­tions.

bitnamic CONNECT smart glasses

Quickly reach your goal step by step

Visua­lize work­flows and processes using step-by-step instruc­tions. This ensures that they are carried out consis­t­ently and correctly.

Intui­tive crea­tion of instruc­tions

Add as many steps as you like and complete them with descrip­tive texts, images, videos or PDF files — even directly from a finished Remote Main­ten­ance session.

Diffe­rent step types

Cate­go­rize essen­tial steps as notes or warnings that require explicit step confir­ma­tion to avoid errors during imple­men­ta­tion.

Flexible permis­sion manage­ment

Release instruc­tions for groups of employees, specific custo­mers or other users. Time-limited sharing is also possible.

Easy sharing of content

Benefit from the easy import/export func­tion (HTML5) for further use.

Create once, use ever­y­where

Use created instruc­tions for example in trai­ning or Remote Main­ten­ance sessions and vice versa.

Use CAD models in docu­men­ta­tion

3D Manager

For a thorough under­stan­ding of machines and systems, you want to be able to visua­lize compon­ents or assem­blies down to the last screw?

Explain such complex issues by using our 3D Manager to visua­lize parts, compon­ents or assem­blies.

bitnamic CONNECT smart glasses

Direct access to 3D models from the docu­men­ta­tion coll­ec­tion

Add 3D models to docu­men­ta­tion to open, view or edit them directly from the respec­tive docu­men­ta­tion.

Clear presen­ta­tion of 3D models

View 3D models and provide insights into how they work to give a better under­stan­ding of the component(s).

Detailed visua­liza­tion of indi­vi­dual compon­ents

Use helpful tools like the inte­grated compo­nent list, the adjus­table exploded view, the trans­pa­rency slider, the selec­tive marking or hiding of selected compon­ents or the text and anno­ta­tion func­tion to delve deep into the details of a model.

Prepare scenes and use them in docu­men­ta­tion

Save 3D models (inclu­ding anno­ta­tions, fade-outs, markers, selected degree of explo­sion, etc.) in the form of scenes for later use in instruc­tions.

Always the right infor­ma­tion at any time

Fields of appli­ca­tion

With the bitnamic CONNECT – Docu­men­ta­tion Hub, you benefit from a wide range of possible appli­ca­tions in various fields:

Main­ten­ance and repair instruc­tions

In main­ten­ance, clear instruc­tions for service and repair work are essen­tial. Enable the provi­sion, crea­tion and updating of instruc­tions so that tech­ni­cians always have access to the latest infor­ma­tion.

Stan­dar­dized, secured and docu­mented processes

Guarantee the stan­dar­diza­tion of your service and main­ten­ance processes with clear work­flows and step-by-step instruc­tions. This ensures quality, the uniform execu­tion of work and compli­ance with important safety guide­lines and proce­dures. The central manage­ment of instruc­tions ensures that employees always have access to this infor­ma­tion.

Provi­sion of docu­men­ta­tion and manuals for custo­mers

The provi­sion of docu­men­ta­tion for your products is extre­mely important for your custo­mers. Give them stan­dar­dized access to this infor­ma­tion and make them aware of further infor­ma­tion on products and services. Centra­lized manage­ment faci­li­tates commu­ni­ca­tion with your custo­mers by allo­wing them to quickly retrieve up-to-date infor­ma­tion.

Spare parts manage­ment and docu­men­ta­tion

Provide cate­go­rized compon­ents and their parts. Save important content for these compon­ents, e.g. infor­ma­tion on their use, instruc­tions, tech­nical data or even 3D visua­liza­tions. The connec­tion to spare parts stores can be made via links or embedded content. As part of the Possehl company network, inter­faces to the e‑commerce system of our partner Possehl Online Solu­tions are also possible.

Access to trai­ning mate­rial

Provide easy and secure access to trai­ning docu­ments. Thanks to the Create-Once-Use-Ever­y­whereapproach, lear­ning and docu­men­ta­tion content from Academy can also be used and accessed within the Docu­men­ta­tion Hub. This makes it possible to view trai­ning docu­ments such as videos and instruc­tions even after successfully comple­ting a trai­ning course.

Quality control and audits

Certain stan­dards must be complied with during audits and quality controls, which can be mapped using step-by-step instruc­tions. As part of the Possehl company network, inter­faces to the audit systems of our partner Cluetec are also possible.

Work more effi­ci­ently with the bitnamic CONNECT – Docu­men­ta­tion Hub

Key bene­fits

Available and up to date

Thanks to the centra­lized manage­ment of docu­men­ta­tion, infor­ma­tion is always available and up-to-date. Users can access the latest infor­ma­tion without having to search for outdated paper docu­ments.


The consis­tent manage­ment of content supports the stan­dar­diza­tion of processes and the orga­niza­tion of content. This makes it easier to use, ensures better quality and consis­tent work­flows.

Revi­sion accu­racy

The bitnamic CONNECT – Docu­men­ta­tion Hub provides options for revi­sions, thus supporting the tracea­bi­lity of changes to content.

Search func­tions and cate­go­riza­tion

Thanks to effi­cient search func­tions, tech­ni­cians can find rele­vant infor­ma­tion quickly and digi­tally without having to leaf through paper docu­ments.


Tech­ni­cians can leave comm­ents, notes and feed­back on content. This improves colla­bo­ra­tion and know­ledge sharing within the team.

Envi­ron­mental aspects

Using the bitnamic CONNECT – Docu­men­ta­tion Hub reduces paper consump­tion and contri­butes to sustaina­bi­lity.

Why the bitnamic CONNECT – Docu­men­ta­tion Hub?

Your advan­tages at a glance

Central docu­men­ta­tion coll­ec­tion

Easy to find docu­men­ta­tion and infor­ma­tion

Shorter down­times

Fast problem solving, quick rein­state­ment of machines and systems

Improved process quality

Stan­dar­dized imple­men­ta­tion of processes thanks to detailed instruc­tions

Intui­tive hand­ling

Easy crea­ting, editing and sharing of products, instruc­tions etc. without prior tech­nical know­ledge

Easy access

Effort­less access via internet browser, no app down­load required

Device-inde­pen­dent access

Easy access on all end devices inclu­ding smart glasses

User-friendly inter­face

Excel­lent usabi­lity of the user inter­face

Coll­ected know­ledge

Quick access to infor­ma­tion, docu­men­ta­tion, instruc­tions, etc. without long rese­arch times

Cate­go­rized know­ledge

Clear display of grouped content incl. filter func­tion to quickly find the infor­ma­tion you are looking for

Helpful instruc­tions

Reusable step-by-step instruc­tions, e.g. for inde­pen­dent problem solving on-site or for trai­ning and courses

Inter­ac­tive 3D Manager

Fast visua­liza­tion of CAD models for a better under­stan­ding of complex machines and compon­ents

Down­loa­dable products

Offline func­tion for down­loa­ding product infor­ma­tion for work situa­tions without an internet connec­tion

Impor­table / Exportable content

Indi­vi­dual upload/download of products and instruc­tions in HTML5 format

Inte­grated inter­faces

Direct linking from the docu­men­ta­tion coll­ec­tion to stores, e.g. to the spare parts store, via inter­faces

Various appli­ca­tion areas

Variable use, e.g. for commis­sio­ning, main­ten­ance, servicing, service cases, trai­ning courses, etc.

GDPR-compliant data protec­tion

Secure hosting with server loca­tion in Germany

Own design

Free choice between stan­dard design, white label bran­ding or company-specific corpo­rate design

We would be happy to give you a live demons­tra­tion of the bitnamic CONNECT — Docu­men­ta­tion Hub
