A farm hack will take place for the first time at this year’s inno­vate! 2019 Conven­tion & Awards in the Alando Palais Osna­brück!

We, Binamic GmbH, are a sponsor and look forward to welco­ming you there!

Register now and in addi­tion to valuable cont­acts and an unfor­gettable time, you can win prize money of up to € 3,000!


Wednesday October 16 from 8:30
a.m. to Open End Thursday October 17 from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Then you still have the oppor­tu­nity at inno­vate! to stay.


@innovate! in the Alando Palais in Osna­brück
Pott­graben 60, 49074 Osna­brück


Deve­lo­pers and agri­cul­tu­ra­lists face the  chal­lenges of the digital future in the agri­cul­tural sector and work out solu­tions in the context of a colla­bo­ra­tive meeting . The parti­ci­pants are rewarded not only with expe­ri­ence, but also with prices and cont­acts with compa­nies and inves­tors.

Who can parti­ci­pate?

Deve­lo­pers and agri­cul­tural workers , regard­less of whether you are still studying or have already  arrived in the world of work . Parti­ci­pants from other disci­plines who feel they are called are also welcome. No matter whether alone or in a complete team.

What is there to win?

1st place: 3,000 euros
2nd place: 2,000 euros
3rd place: 1,000 euros

Contact & further infor­ma­tion

