Thirty active parti­ci­pants — four strong indus­trial part­ners — two expe­ri­enced orga­ni­zers — ONE successful day toge­ther!

For the second time the Osna­brück AR/VR Hacka­thon HackOS took place last Friday, 27.10.2017. After an inten­sive prepa­ra­tion, coupled with great anti­ci­pa­tion and exci­te­ment, we can proudly say: HackOS#2 was again a very successful event!

Under the sign of Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) four exci­ting prac­tical cases were presented by our industry part­ners Testia, CLAAS, Die Etagen and Netrocks. Our parti­ci­pants, both expe­ri­enced and young programmers, were fully moti­vated and had excel­lent ideas for the imple­men­ta­tion and appli­ca­tion of the prac­tical cases with AR/VR. The results were outstan­ding! After only a few hours, the first ideas could be viewed directly on AR/VR glasses, the smart­phone or on the PC with multi­media. An all-round service, from content support to culinary high­lights, guided the parti­ci­pants through the instruc­tive and exci­ting day.

The orga­ni­zers, Bitnamic and Salt and Pepper, would like to thank all parti­ci­pants, our industry part­ners, the ICO, and all those who supported us orga­niza­tio­nally and intellec­tually! We are looking forward to the next Hacka­thon in Osna­brück, HackOS#3 in 2018!

You don’t want to miss the date for HackOS#3? — then liked and follow us on Face­book: HackOS on Face­book
