IN.STAND is cele­bra­ting its premiere: The new trade fair for main­ten­ance and services will be held for the first time at the end of October 2019 at the Stutt­gart Trade Fair Centre. More than 80 exhi­bi­tors will present indus­trial services within the frame­work of a classic trade fair, cove­ring offers and solu­tions for all requi­re­ments in your produc­tion company — from retrofit to predic­tive main­ten­ance.

The trade fair also offers know­ledge transfer from prac­tice for prac­tice in the form of lectures and panel discus­sions at the free IN.STAND expert forum, semi­nars and guided tours from FIR RWTH Aachen. Central topics are Predic­tive (Smart) Main­ten­ance and Industry 4.0, which will also be addressed in the DEMO AREA “Virtual Tech­ni­ques in Service” by demons­t­ra­ting Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality respec­tively.

Bitnamic will be repre­sented at the IN.STAND with its own booth, along with other renowned compa­nies, asso­cia­tions and Bitnamic. In our demo pitch, you can expe­ri­ence live and vividly how our mobile, video-based service solu­tion Remote Main­ten­ance Assis­tance (RMA) works.

In the course of this, we would also like to present our new product, the “Instant Messenger of the Industry”. Among other things, this enables an even faster exch­ange between service tech­ni­cian and expert before the actual video call, the crea­tion of group chats and the recep­tion of push noti­fi­ca­tions. Connect your help­desk, your service tech­ni­cian and your custo­mers with each other — more infor­ma­tion is available at our infor­ma­tion stand.

We are looking forward to your visit in hall C02, booth E36! If you are inte­rested in a free visitor ticket, please contact us via

IN.STAND Exhi­bi­tion
The trade fair for main­ten­ance and services
October 23–24, 2019
Trade Fair and Congress Centre Stutt­gart
Hall C02, booth E36 Trans­lated with (free version)
