Connect and host appli­ca­tions the smart way

Inter­faces and indi­vi­dual hosting

Combine the advan­tages of bitnamic CONNECT with your in-house soft­ware and hard­ware as you like via inter­faces. Just as flexible are our hosting options: choose the version that suits your company best.


Inter­faces to your systems

bitnamic CONNECT adapts to your company — not vice versa. Start solu­tions such as our Remote Main­ten­ance soft­ware from other systems without any problems.

Connect systems the easy way

By inte­gra­ting APIs into your company’s own infra­struc­ture, bitnamic CONNECT solu­tions link to appli­ca­tions that you already use in your daily work.

Possible appli­ca­tions

Via inter­face you can, for example, open a support session between service tech­ni­cian and expert from our system. The data and infor­ma­tion coll­ected in the process can be retrieved from the session history via our API.

API deve­lo­p­ment

In addi­tion to already defined inter­faces, we also develop new APIs on request. Please contact us and tell us your ideas — we will develop a concept tail­ored to your needs.


Fully inte­grated into your company

With bitnamic CONNECT, you can inte­grate the possi­bi­li­ties of Remote Main­ten­ance directly into your service processes. Connect our solu­tion with your ticket system and/or customer portal via prede­fined inter­faces. The follo­wing example describes the inte­gra­tion of bitnamic CONNECT in Sales­force, but other systems (e.g. ServiceNow or MS Dyna­mics) are also possible.


Full inte­gra­tion into your support processes

Provide support where work needs to be done: Thanks to the bitnamic CONNECT Sales­force inte­gra­tion, it is no longer neces­sary to switch to another tool, addi­tional logins and super­fluous clicks are no longer required. The entire service process, from support itself to service docu­men­ta­tion, can be carried out in Sales­force.


Imme­diate trou­ble­shoo­ting

Start a bitnamic CONNECT – Remote Main­ten­ance session directly in Sales­force and solve service cases toge­ther with tech­ni­cians, experts or custo­mers. All func­tions such as chat, laser pointer, flash­light or the white­board with various anno­ta­tion options are available.


All data in one place

Once the Remote Main­ten­ance session has ended, all gene­rated meta­data such as dura­tion, parti­ci­pants, exch­anged chat messages, photos and anno­ta­tions can be saved in Sales­force. The coll­ected know­ledge thus remains in the ticket and can be retrieved and evaluated at any time. All important Remote Main­ten­ance KPIs are also visible on a dash­board.


Further inte­gra­tions

Company login

Up to now, our custo­mers received service numbers and pass­words gene­rated by us for the use of bitnamic CONNECT – Remote Main­ten­ance. In the future, compa­nies will log in with their own login data.

Indi­vi­dual user names and pass­words

To simplify the regis­tra­tion process, your personal login data may be used in the future. For this purpose you will be redi­rected from our remote main­ten­ance solu­tion to an authen­ti­ca­tion page of your company where you log in.

Single Sign-On

In this context, the keyword Single Sign-on (SSO) should be mentioned: This proce­dure enables access to services, appli­ca­tions, data, and much more after only one single authen­ti­ca­tion. You have count­less profiles for diffe­rent services? Soon you will only need one over­ar­ching iden­tity.

Hosting options

Bitnamic as your hosting partner

Regar­ding the hosting, you can choose between two options: Soft­ware-as-a-Service (SaaS), to improve your own service quickly and easily, or Dedi­cated for indi­vi­dual hosting.


SaaS allows a quick start without a big setup. It is based on a cloud rental model with annual billing and a prede­fined module set. Our SaaS systems are hosted by our hosting part­ners in Germany. That means for you: Your customer data is subject to German data protec­tion laws and is protected accor­ding to GDPR.


In the Dedi­cated model you can create an unli­mited number of users. It offers you exclu­sive, inde­pen­dent hosting inclu­ding bran­ding and indi­vi­dual custo­miza­tion options.

On-premise hosting

In the Dedi­cated version, you can decide whether you want to have our solu­tion hosted by us and our hosting service provi­ders or in your own company.


Link bitnamic CONNECT with your in-house IT
