“Ever­y­thing about modern main­ten­ance in times of industry 4.0.”

At the Main­ten­ance 2018 we will present toge­ther with the GiS mbh how Remote Main­ten­ance Assis­tance combined with Enter­prise Asset Manage­ment (EAM) systems forms a tech­no­lo­gi­cally inno­va­tive all-round service solu­tion in the age of Industry 4.0.

Our joint solu­tion can have a posi­tive effect on all main­ten­ance and servicing processes. Experts receive audio-visual and data-based descrip­tions of specific condi­tions, while tech­ni­cians receive precise and direct instruc­tions for action on site. By docu­men­ting the records, arti­facts, images and actual data, this data can be accessed and used as instruc­tions for later main­ten­ance work. This is an important aspect for plant manu­fac­tu­rers, for example when handing over or in the after-sales service of plants in remote regions.

Visit us at our joint stand B11 in hall 4. We look forward to presen­ting our solu­tions to you perso­nally!

Register here via this link for a free ticket (value: 30€).
