Simplify joint work processes

Bitnamic as strong partner at your side

Bitnamic soft­ware as a fitting piece of the puzzle in your service land­scape — that was our vision when deve­lo­ping bitnamic CONNECT. Toge­ther with our coope­ra­tion part­ners, we support you in making daily work processes more effi­cient.

New part­ners

Bitnamic is always open to coope­ra­tion. If you are inte­rested, please feel free to contact us.

BARCOTEC | Real­Wear

Our coope­ra­tion partner BARCOTEC acts as Europe-wide master distri­butor of Real­Wear smart glasses, which are speci­ally manu­fac­tured for industry.

Robert Duchac

BARCOTEC GmbH – Busi­ness Deve­lo­p­ment Manager

“Bitnamic convinces with profes­sio­na­lism and inno­va­tive strength. For more than two years, Bitnamic has been one of our most reliable soft­ware part­ners in the field of Smart Service. With their high degree of specia­liza­tion and excel­lent support, they convince in every project colla­bo­ra­tion.”

HS Osna­brück

Bitnamic foun­ders Rolf Behrens and Alexei Koles­nikow deve­loped our remote main­ten­ance solu­tion in a joint rese­arch project at the Univer­sity of Applied Sciences Osna­brück. Since the launch of the company, the univer­sity has been an offi­cial coope­ra­tion partner.

Kontron AIS GmbH

As a long-stan­ding supplier of soft­ware solu­tions in the field of indus­trial auto­ma­tion, our partner Kontron AIS knows how to acce­le­rate labor-inten­sive processes. Their cloud-based service plat­form Equip­ment­Cloud makes it possible to map internal or external processes and to collect and analyze plant-related data. Our remote main­ten­ance solu­tion is inte­grated into the Equip­ment­Cloud in the form of the inte­grated Remo­te­As­sistant app. In combi­na­tion with data glasses and augmented reality, service sessions can be started via the app. All content gene­rated with our solu­tion is then trans­ferred to the Equip­ment­Cloud and secu­rely stored. The Equip­ment­Cloud inclu­ding Remo­te­As­sis­tance is not only suitable for service assign­ments, but also for trai­ning and process moni­to­ring.

Vanessa Kluge

Kontron AIS GmbH – Product Manager

“Commis­sio­ning, trou­ble­shoo­ting or trai­ning in mecha­nical and plant engi­nee­ring are no longer carried out 100% on site, but are supported remo­tely with expert know-how. For this purpose, modern service and after-sales relies on stable and powerful remote video tele­phony via smart­phone or smart glasses. For our Equip­ment­Cloud® service solu­tion, we have found the perfect tech­no­logy partner for remote support in Bitnamic. The joint and seam­less inte­gra­tion of bitnamic CONNECT allowed us to create another valuable buil­ding block for the estab­lish­ment of convin­cing customer portals. The close and dynamic coope­ra­tion on the deve­lo­p­ment level allows for precisely fitting and agile func­tional enhance­ments for our web appli­ca­tion and native app. In doing so, we appre­ciate the high degree of inno­va­tion of our partner, which allows us to imple­ment further deve­lo­p­ments with a future.”

Possehl Digital GmbH

Possehl Digital GmbH is the latest inde­pen­dent busi­ness unit within the Possehl Group, which was founded in 1847. The company’s goal is to consis­t­ently imple­ment inno­va­tion and digi­tiza­tion initia­tives, espe­ci­ally in medium-sized busi­nesses. We are looking forward to pushing on the digital trans­for­ma­tion toge­ther with Possehl.

Possehl Online Solu­tions GmbH

Possehl Online Solu­tions GmbH was founded in 2020 and is part of the Possehl Group. The company offers e‑commerce solu­tions as Soft­ware-as-a-Service (SaaS), prima­rily for medium-sized indus­trial compa­nies. Possehl Online Solu­tions also supports its custo­mers in imple­men­ting, estab­li­shing and scaling sales in e‑commerce and marke­ting. We look forward to driving digital change toge­ther with Possehl.


We have a special history with Testia: The Airbus company with loca­tions all over the world was not only co-deve­loper of our soft­ware, but also our first customer. Today Testia distri­butes and promotes our Remote Main­ten­ance solu­tion in the avia­tion industry.


The M400 model from our partner Vuzix, one of the leading US smart glass manu­fac­tu­rers, impresses with its parti­cu­larly ergo­nomic design for all-day wearing comfort.

Warren Russell

Sales & Busi­ness Deve­lo­p­ment Sr. Manager

“As a soft­ware company Bitnamic has many strengths. To put some context, on the tech­nical side they have talent to imple­ment new changes and adapt quickly to chan­ging deve­lo­p­ments. On the soft skill side, they have proven that they intently listen to custo­mers’ feed­back and are always wanting to improve their solu­tion. This type of menta­lity is some­thing that Vuzix can relate to, and we look forward to working with the Bitnamic team more in the future”

Inte­rested in a part­ner­ship with Bitnamic?
