We look forward to being repre­sented at two exci­ting trade fairs, the ICE Europe and the Hanover Fair, in the coming months.

We will be presen­ting our smart service solu­tions live at the events. Visi­tors can put them­selves in the role of tech­ni­cians or remote experts on site and get to know our smart service solu­tions for loca­tion-inde­pen­dent, colla­bo­ra­tive inter­fe­rence suppres­sion of machines.

ICE Europe 2019

Meet us for the first time at ICE Europe in Munich, the 11th leading inter­na­tional trade fair for the finis­hing and proces­sing of paper, film and foil. At the booth of our long-stan­ding customer TECUMA SYSTEMS GmbH, Hall A5 Booth 1070 , we present our Remote Main­ten­ance Assis­tance solu­tion with the HMT‑1 data glasses live on the exclu­sive slitter rewinderfrom TECUMA SYSTEMS and TIDE TECHNOLOGIE.

Make an appoint­ment today (inclu­ding free entry) at:  https://bitnamic.net/contact

ICE Europe, 11th Inter­na­tional Conver­ting Trade Fair

March 12–14, 2019, Munich

Hall A5, Stand 1070 (TECUMA SYSTEMS GmbH)

Hannover fair 2019

At this year’s Hannover Messe we are co-exhi­bi­tors at the Lower Saxony stand . In Hall 005, Stand D05 , we will be presen­ting our Augmented Reality and Remote Service Solu­tion Remote Main­ten­ance Assis­tance (RMA). Test our solu­tion live on site, whether with a smart­phone, smart glasses or Micro­soft Holo­Lens, and see how our smart service solu­tion, which was speci­ally deve­loped for main­ten­ance, is revo­lu­tio­ni­zing your service processes.

Visit us by secu­ring your free ticket now under the follo­wing link:  https://www.hannovermesse.de/ticketregistrierung?5mw4r

Hannover fair 2019

April 01 — 05, 2019, Hanover

Hall 005, Stand D05 (Lower Saxony Stand)

We look forward to perso­nally presen­ting our solu­tions to you.
