The coming weeks will be marked by very inte­res­ting and specia­list trade fairs and events for remote main­ten­ance.

At the events, we present our smart service solu­tions live at our infor­ma­tion stand and are repre­sented with a stage presence as well as with strong local part­ners.

Meet us at the follo­wing events:

  • From  25th to 26th October you have the oppor­tu­nity to meet us in person at our Bitnamic booth at the Smart Process Manu­fac­tu­ring Congress 2018 in Würz­burg. In addi­tion, we are pleased to present our “Remote Service with Augmented Reality” solu­tion live on stage on November 25th at 12:30 p.m.
  • From  08.–09. The KVD Service Congress , Euro­pe’s largest service fair, takes place in Munich in November . Expe­ri­ence “REMOTE MAINTENANCE with the indus­trial data glasses Real­Wear HMT‑1” at our Bitnamic booth. Our hard­ware partner Barcotec GmbH is also there for you at our booth.
  • From 27th to 29th We are repre­sented at the booth of AIS Auto­ma­tion Dresden GmbH of SPS IPC Drives 2018 in Nurem­berg in November . Meet us there and expe­ri­ence our inte­grated solu­tion in the AIS product port­folio.

We look forward to perso­nally presen­ting our solu­tions to you.

For a personal appoint­ment on site, please contact:

