Remote video support with augmented reality

Find out more about the possi­bi­li­ties for (service) support with bitnamic CONNECT – Remote Main­ten­ance


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Quick access to docu­men­ta­tion and instruc­tions

Discover the possi­bi­li­ties for provi­ding docu­men­ta­tion with the bitnamic CONNECT – Docu­men­ta­tion Hub


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Build exper­tise with digital trai­ning

Read more about trai­ning oppor­tu­ni­ties for employees and custo­mers with bitnamic CONNECT – Academy


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Acce­le­rate service processes

Service opti­miza­tion

Shorten down­times, reduce travel costs and streng­then customer loyalty. Provide know­ledge and docu­men­ta­tion digi­tally.

Coun­teract the skills shortage

Service trai­ning

Train employees and custo­mers digi­tally and ensure service quality. Save onboar­ding and trai­ning costs with stan­dar­dized trai­ning processes.

Stay compe­ti­tive

Digital trans­for­ma­tion

Benefit from poten­tial savings with our digital service solu­tion. Offer new digital busi­ness models and increase your compe­ti­ti­ve­ness.

Better commu­ni­ca­tion, better service, better know-how

Reach the next level of digital service — with bitnamic CONNECT.

Remote Main­ten­ance

Solve problems affec­ting systems and machines remo­tely toge­ther with experts using live video and augmented reality.

Docu­men­ta­tion Hub

Provide digital know­ledge (manuals, docu­men­ta­tion, instruc­tions, etc.) for instant access.


Offer digital customer and employee trai­ning to build long-term exper­tise.


Live remote support

Remote Main­ten­ance

Problems with machines and systems cannot always be resolved on-site. An expert often has to travel to the site, resul­ting in high travel costs. This can lead to costly, longer produc­tion stops due to down­timesor non-compli­ance with SLAs. Save time and money with bitnamic CONNECT – Remote Main­ten­ance.

Reduce down­times with Remote Main­ten­ance

Connect tech­ni­cians on-site with (your) experts world­wide in an inter­ac­tive video confe­rence inclu­ding many useful tools for problem solving. The machine is fixed faster and nobody has to travel.

Both hands free thanks to augmented reality

Use augmented reality to visua­lize issues live even better. With smart glasses, you always have both hands free to tackle even more complex tasks.

Commu­ni­ca­tion via instant messenger

Contact custo­mers, experts and tech­ni­cians to quickly exch­ange messages and media in indi­vi­dual or group chats.

Instant access to docu­men­ta­tion

Docu­men­ta­tion Hub

Specific know­ledge is often required for the profes­sional main­ten­ance and servicing of plants and machines. The bitnamic CONNECT – Docu­men­ta­tion Hub provides clear, central and digital access to this know­ledge, which can be cate­go­rized and sear­ched.

Central, fast access to docu­ments

Collect infor­ma­tion of various (media) types on machines or products, digi­tally prepared for quick access.

Step by step to the solu­tion via instruc­tions

Provide step-by-step instruc­tions for known service cases. This allows complex issues to be handled in a quali­fied and docu­mented work­flow.

CAD models as a tool thanks to 3D visua­liza­tion

Show scenes from CAD models of parts, assem­blies or compon­ents to illus­trate complex issues.


Impar­ting know­ledge


Quali­fying employees, coun­ter­ac­ting personnel turnover and skills shortage — the right trai­ning and the transfer of exper­tise is crucial for this. Train your employees or custo­mers and part­ners more effec­tively, without costly travel, simply and digi­tally with bitnamic CONNECT – Academy.

Impar­ting know­ledge via lessons

Provide lessons with prepared lear­ning content to specific groups of people and combine them into trai­ning courses for inde­pen­dent lear­ning.

Check know­ledge level using queries

Test the know­ledge imparted in the lessons using various queries (e.g. multiple-choice ques­tions) and set pass rates to monitor lear­ning progress.

Remote trai­ning with (live) trai­ning sessions

Hold addi­tional, remote trai­ning sessions in a mode­rated video confe­rence, thanks to which parti­ci­pants do not have to travel.

The future of indus­trial main­ten­ance

Augmented reality and smart glasses

Visua­lize facts even better and have both hands free for work with bitnamic CONNECT on smart glasses: In combi­na­tion with Remote Main­ten­ance and the Docu­men­ta­tion Hub, service processes can be executed faster, problems can be solved more easily and digital assis­tance can be provided more effec­tively.

Expert support via live video

Connect experts world­wide with tech­ni­cians on-site and display infor­ma­tion directly from afar. Thanks to smart glasses, you can also work hands-free on affected machines without having to use an addi­tional device such as a smart­phone or tablet.

Problem defi­ni­tion through visua­liza­tion of 3D models

Provide virtual insights into machine compon­ents before the actual inter­ven­tion on the machine using a 3D model, which is trans­mitted secu­rely to the end device.

Complete tasks via step-by-step instruc­tions

Follow specific instruc­tions and work­flows with visual examples step by step via smart glasses to solve problems inde­pendently.

The matching puzzle piece

Your custo­mized service app

Our solu­tion adapts to your company, not the other way around. Intended as the right piece of the puzzle in your service land­scape, your indi­vi­dual version of bitnamic CONNECT includes exactly the func­tions you need and the design you want — inclu­ding data protec­tion compli­ance in all areas.


Link bitnamic CONNECT with IT appli­ca­tions such as Sales­force or connect your SSO and subscriber direc­to­ries. Use our APIs to link your systems in the best possible way.

Data protec­tion & IT secu­rity

Benefit from the highest secu­rity stan­dards, exclu­si­vely encrypted (SSL) data trans­mis­sions and hosting with a server loca­tion in Germany.

Indi­vi­dual bran­ding

Use bitnamic CONNECT as white label solu­tion or in your company-specific corpo­rate design

The next level of digital main­ten­ance

Our vision

Reach the next level of digital main­ten­ance with us! This goal drives us and moti­vates us to conti­nuously opti­mize bitnamic CONNECT for you. We focus on inno­va­tion through modern, digital tech­no­lo­gies. Toge­ther with you, we are constantly deve­lo­ping our products and digi­tizing the world of service and main­ten­ance.

Possehl Group, we benefit from a strong network and work toge­ther on the digital trans­for­ma­tion of service, main­ten­ance and SMEs.

Possehl Bitnamic Zusammenarbeit


Years of expe­ri­ence in service





Clients and part­ners

“For AMAZONE, Bitnamic is a strong and reliable partner! The ener­getic, dynamic team has unders­tood the special requi­re­ments of AMAZONE for a support soft­ware and has imple­mented them perfectly fitting. In addi­tion, their own crea­tive ideas have been used to increase the func­tional variety without over­loa­ding the system. Exactly the partner you need in the service sector!”

Markus Welk, AMAZONEN-WERKE H. Dreyer GmbH & Co. KG — Manager After Sales

“The support and tech­nical trai­ning of a service orga­niza­tion gene­rally present a company with a number of chal­lenges. Further­more, for economic reasons and with a view to sustaina­bi­lity, internal travel acti­vi­ties must be reduced to a neces­sary minimum. We were ther­e­fore looking for a reliable partner with good exis­ting solu­tions and the ability to jointly develop specific func­tion­a­li­ties and new content.

Visual support gene­rally offers a modern and secure solu­tion in terms of data protec­tion in an indus­trial envi­ron­ment. Based on these basic func­tion­a­li­ties, we have deve­loped a trai­ning module toge­ther with Bitnamic, which is speci­fi­cally desi­gned to impart know­ledge for tech­nical service and imple­ments our wishes very well.

The passion and flexi­bi­lity in the deve­lo­p­ment, coupled with the specific expe­ri­ence and in-depth under­stan­ding of our envi­ron­ment, surprised us and ulti­m­ately led to crea­tive joint solu­tions.

I would recom­mend working with Bitnamic to compa­nies with tech­nical services and the will to effec­tively imple­ment new digital solu­tions.”

Lars Alber­mann, Hako GmbH — Customer Service Manager

“Relia­bi­lity, expe­ri­ence and hand­shake quality — values that, espe­ci­ally in the face of global compe­ti­tion, form a foun­da­tion that provides the basis for the deve­lo­p­ment and sale of high-quality form­work solu­tions. These values also shape the selec­tion of deve­lo­p­ment part­ners. This is why we chose Bitnamic. The expe­ri­ence in the area of service solu­tions promoted the coope­ra­tion and enabled the deve­lo­p­ment of a reliable soft­ware solu­tion that is perfectly adapted to our needs.”

Stefan Huber, Doka GmbH — Service Lead upbeat cons­truc­tion

bitnamic CONNECT makes instal­la­tion and support for our machines easier. It saves us and our custo­mers travel expenses and our service tech­ni­cians travel time. We appre­ciate the tool’s ease of use. Our custo­mers were/are imme­dia­tely fami­liar with the inter­face.

For us, bitnamic CONNECT is the perfect inter­face between our customer or our service tech­ni­cians on site and our in-house tech­ni­cians. The tech­ni­cian can quickly grasp the situa­tion on site, even with systems unknown to him. There are ther­e­fore no diffi­cul­ties of under­stan­ding between the customer and the tech­ni­cian regar­ding the defec­tive plant part. The customer is almost always in the picture what our tech­ni­cians intend. With this tool the service at the custo­mer’s site can be done on eye level. Because only a fast and trust­worthy service in case of a failure can ensure a quick restart of the plant.

This coope­ra­tion at eye level is also reflected in the rela­ti­onship between Bitnamic and Rekers.”

Carsten Hoff­rogge, REKERS Maschinen- u. Anla­genbau – Auto­ma­ti­sie­rung & Service

“Severt and espe­ci­ally our custo­mers have the demand for even faster response and less down­time of plants and machines. Ther­e­fore, we have found a prac­tical and simple tool in bitnamic CONNECT to support our custo­mers quickly and effec­tively in remote trou­ble­shoo­ting. It reduces travel time for us and travel costs for our custo­mers.

When commis­sio­ning our incre­asingly complex machines, the service tech­ni­cians can be supported on site by experts in our company. The inte­gra­tion of the Real­Wear smart glasses is also simple.

We started with an “extreme test phase” at a customer in South Africa. With the help of the bitnamic CONNECT app and the smart glasses, our service tech­ni­cians installed and commis­sioned a large robot welding system on site toge­ther with experts in Germany. During our test phase, the system impressed with its really simple and func­tional opera­tion. Since then, we have fully relied on Bitnamic and are happy about a very good coope­ra­tion.”

Minja Petzinna, Wilhelm Severt Maschi­nenbau GmbH – Head of Service

“We chose Bitnamic because we wanted to opti­mize our service. The uncom­pli­cated coope­ra­tion was very plea­sant. It was also nice that we received live trai­ning at our company.

We were convinced by the aspects of cost reduc­tion in the form of shorter down­times on machines and reduced travel costs for our service tech­ni­cians, as well as the often faster finding of solu­tions, since in some cases only a small opti­miza­tion needs to be made. In addi­tion, the streng­thening of a modern customer rela­ti­onship is possible. In times of digi­tiza­tion, we believe that such tools are a must.

Thanks to bitnamic CONNECT, we can now offer our custo­mers service or an initial inspec­tion anywhere; this saves time and money on both sides. The app is quick to install and it’s easy to use. In our opinion, bitnamic CONNECT is recom­men­dable for both smaller and larger compa­nies.”

André Knust, Th. Niehues GmbH – Process Manage­ment & IT Service

“With Bitnamic, we have found a very compe­tent and crea­tive partner who is always ready to listen to the needs of their custo­mers. The very inno­va­tive products and services as well as the customer-oriented support have convinced us from the very begin­ning. The use of the product and services selected by us ran smoothly right from the start. We will continue to rely on Bitnamic products and services in the future.”

Uwe Meyer, TECUMA Systems GmbH — Mana­ging Partner

“Commis­sio­ning, trou­ble­shoo­ting or trai­ning in mecha­nical and plant engi­nee­ring are no longer carried out 100% on site, but are supported remo­tely with expert know-how. For this purpose, modern service and after-sales relies on stable and powerful remote video tele­phony via smart­phone or smart glasses.

For our Equip­ment­Cloud® service solu­tion, we have found the perfect tech­no­logy partner for remote support in Bitnamic. The joint and seam­less inte­gra­tion of bitnamic CONNECT allowed us to create another valuable buil­ding block for the estab­lish­ment of convin­cing customer portals. The close and dynamic coope­ra­tion on the deve­lo­p­ment level allows for precisely fitting and agile func­tional enhance­ments for our web appli­ca­tion and native app. In doing so, we appre­ciate the high degree of inno­va­tion of our partner, which allows us to imple­ment further deve­lo­p­ments with a future.”

Vanessa Kluge, Kontron AIS GmbH — Product Manager

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