You want to visua­lize, explain and provide situa­tion-specific infor­ma­tion on complex compon­ents ?

3D Manager

Main­ten­ance cases and tech­nical problems can be solved faster if you are fami­liar with the machine concerned. However, a complete under­stan­ding of complex compon­ents requires insight into their struc­ture and thus into their inner workings.

So how can you offer your custo­mers better service support without passing on sensi­tive data? Quite simply: By using our 3D Manager, which was speci­ally desi­gned for the visua­liza­tion of parts, compon­ents and assem­blies.

Visua­lize and describe CAD parts live with the Bitnamic 3D Manager

The solu­tion

With our 3D Manager you can explain complex compon­ents without having to make them perma­nently available. Because when using the 3D viewer no data is stored on the end device.

The opera­tion of the 3D Manager is simple and intui­tive, you do not need any previous know­ledge of 3D programs. Upload as many models as you like and compile a coll­ec­tion of frequently used CAD compon­ents. After a single conver­sion and compres­sion you can load your models without long waiting times.

The 3D Manager is opti­mized for mobile use. This means that the models can be loaded and visua­lized just as easily on the smart­phone. Further­more, you can also use the 3D Manager models on smart glasses.


More insight into 3D models thanks to func­tions like

Trans­pa­rent and exploded views

The 3D Manager has a variety of helpful tools, for example the zoom func­tion. It allows you to conti­nuously enlarge or reduce sections of the model. In addi­tion, indi­vi­dual elements can be selected or iden­tical compon­ents high­lighted.

You can use a slider to give any degree of trans­pa­rency to unsel­ected compon­ents. This provides insight into the inner elements of the 3D object. Conver­sely, you can hide selected compon­ents or focus on them if desired. The former is also possible via the inte­grated parts list.

Thanks to the adjus­table exploded view, you can dive deeper into the struc­ture of your 3D model. In this mode you can also use the func­tions already described without any problems.

You have disas­sem­bled and marked your 3D model as desired? Then simply save it as a new scene. This way you can access exactly this view again at a later date without having to edit the object again.

You can also access the func­tions already mentioned in the shared video session. The laser pointer or the use of colored free­hand anno­ta­tions are parti­cu­larly useful for poin­ting out sources of error or possible solu­tions. In addi­tion, use the text field func­tion and arrow place­ment for compre­hen­sible model descrip­tions.

Multiple appli­ca­tions

Bitnamic 3D Manager

Overall, the 3D Manager can be used in three ways:


Upload 3D models for your own use and perform analyses as you wish. Create your personal model file.


Use the 3D Manager for demons­tra­tion and trai­ning purposes. Show your models to poten­tial custo­mers.

Video confe­rence

As a service tech­ni­cian, connect directly with an expert. Solve problems toge­ther.

The latter variant origi­nates from the original idea, which also charac­te­rizes our Remote Main­ten­ance service: Connec­ting expert and service tech­ni­cian directly and without a split screen in case of main­ten­ance.

What distin­gu­ishes the 3D Manager from other programs is the possi­bi­lity to view models synchro­no­usly and inter­ac­tively. Both session parti­ci­pants can access the 3D model, with changes made being displayed synchro­no­usly. This feature is espe­ci­ally useful in case of main­ten­ance and ensures faster problem solving.

3D-Manager bitnamic CONNECT

The most important advan­tages of the 3D Manager at a glance

Intui­tive opera­tion

User-friendly, intui­tive opera­tion that requires no 3D/CAD program expe­ri­ence.


Possi­bi­lity for synchro­niza­tion and thus for joint, inter­ac­tive viewing of 3D models.

Short loading times

Short loading times thanks to previous, one-time conver­sion.

Video trans­mis­sion

Trans­mis­sion as video (also possible on older devices).

Nume­rous func­tions

Zoom, exploded view, trans­pa­rency, laser pointer etc.

Saving scenes

Dismantle, save and later reopen the 3D model without having to edit the object again.

Opti­mized for smart­phones

The video is opti­mized accor­ding to the exis­ting data connec­tion. This means that a connec­tion is possible even with low band­widths in mobile commu­ni­ca­tions.

Data protec­tion

No data storage on the end device and thus no transfer of sensi­tive data.

Trans­mis­sion on smart glasses

Take indus­trial main­ten­ance to the next level with augmented reality and Micro­soft Holo­Lens.

Arrange a demo appoint­ment

We present you all the features of our 3D Manager live
