The inno­vate! congress brings toge­ther inno­va­tive master­minds to shape the future of the food, agri­cul­tural and digital economy. As a conven­tion, it is a plat­form for ever­yone who wants to get involved and a hub for linking people and ideas. Due to the coro­na­virus pandemic, inno­vate! took place exclu­si­vely virtually this year. One of the spea­kers was Rolf Behrens, co-founder and CEO of Bitnamic GmbH.

Learn more about Bitnamic, remote main­ten­ance and augmented reality directly from one of the company foun­ders

What is augmented reality? For many years, Rolf Behrens has been working on this topic in the context of remote main­ten­ance. But what exactly is augmented reality, espe­ci­ally in the indus­trial sector? In the lecture “AR in industry — intro­duc­tion based on appli­ca­tion scena­rios” at the inno­vate! X, the Bitnamic co-founder explained the term and presented indus­trial examples for service & main­ten­ance as well as for educa­tion & trai­ning. If you are fluent in German, you can watch the infor­ma­tive presen­ta­tion here:   For more infor­ma­tion about augmented reality and its advan­tages in the industry, please check out our smart glasses guide.
