Do your tech­ni­cians and custo­mers also use certain instant messen­gers that do not have secu­rity clearance?

Instant Messenger for Industry

White phone handset on a green back­ground — on almost every smart­phone you will find the symbol of the most used instant messenger in the world. It is also widely used in the industry because of its prac­tical func­tions and ease of use. However, this is not permitted for secu­rity reasons.

Our Instant Messenger for Industry finds a remedy: It combines the conve­ni­ences of well-known instant messa­ging services with solid data protec­tion.

The GDPR-compliant Instant Messenger for Industry

The solu­tion

The main func­tion of our instant messenger is to ensure an even faster exch­ange between service tech­ni­cians and experts. By trans­fer­ring messages and media, it is in many cases possible to solve problems even before the actual video call.

bitnamic CONNECT not only offers you fami­liar and intui­tive features of common instant messen­gers. Our service is opti­mized for the special requi­re­ments in your indus­trial envi­ron­ment. You can send or receive messages asyn­chro­no­usly and manage noti­fi­ca­tions.

In addi­tion to indi­vi­dual chats, group chats can also be opened — this is parti­cu­larly useful for main­ten­ance cases that require the support of several people. Are you curr­ently only available on a limited basis or not at all? Simply set a corre­spon­ding status under your profile.

In contrast to conven­tional instant messen­gers, bitnamic CONNECT places great emphasis on data protec­tion. Our messenger is GDPR-compliant and all servers are located in Germany. If desired, we can also provide your own hosting as an inte­res­ting alter­na­tive option. Spea­king of wishes: Design our instant messenger accor­ding to your personal design ideas.

Enable your employees to solve problems quickly, easily and cost-effec­tively without having to sacri­fice high-quality data protec­tion. Promote the posi­tive aspect of service tech­ni­cians, experts and custo­mers exchan­ging infor­ma­tion with each other — supple­ment your video support with the Instant Messenger for Industry.


The most important advan­tages of the Instant Messenger for Industry at a glance

Easy to use

Intui­tive use of func­tions you know already from conven­tional instant messen­gers.

Quick exch­ange

Fast exch­ange of news and media even before the video call.

Popular features

Popular features like asyn­chro­nous message transfer, group chats, push noti­fi­ca­tions or status infor­ma­tion.

Server loca­tion Germany

The secu­rity of your data is a key concern for us, which is why our SaaS systems are hosted in Germany. Your customer data is ther­e­fore subject to German data protec­tion laws.

DSGVO compliant

Don’t worry about data protec­tion – our instant messenger complies with the GDPR.

Own bran­ding possible

Design the instant messenger in your own corpo­rate design.

Arrange a demo appoint­ment

We present you our Instant Messenger for Industry live
