You have to send experts to your custo­mers on a regular basis, resul­ting in high travel costs?

Remote Main­ten­ance

You know the situa­tion: Your customer reports a problem with a machine. Tele­phone commu­ni­ca­tion between your expert and the service tech­ni­cian on-site is not enough to solve the problem.

The expert has to travel to the site, which means that the machine is at a standstill for the time being, resul­ting in high costs due to long down­times and travel costs for far-away custo­mers.

Reduce down­times and save time and money with Remote Main­ten­ance from bitnamic CONNECT.

Reduce down­time and save travel costs


With bitnamic CONNECT – Remote Main­ten­ance, you connect service tech­ni­cians on-site and experts world­wide in an inter­ac­tive video confe­rence via augmented reality.

Fast trou­ble­shoo­ting via live video

Connect tech­ni­cians on-site with (your) experts world­wide in an inter­ac­tive video confe­rence with many useful tools for problem solving. This means the machine can be fixed more quicklyand nobody has to travel.

Service in a few seconds

Simply send an SMS out of the system with an invi­ta­tion link or estab­lish a connec­tion in just three short steps: open bitnamic CONNECT — enter service infor­ma­tion — solve problems.

No app down­load required

Use bitnamic CONNECT on your smart­phone, tablet, note­book, desktop or smart glasses simply via app or browser.

Remote Maintenance Whiteboard

More than just video


Video trans­mis­sion alone does not seem suffi­cient to solve complex machine problems?

Remote Main­ten­ance offers much more thanks to a variety of synchro­nized tools and features.

Fast problem solving in live video via augmented reality

Use the laser pointer to high­light important elements in the video image, acti­vate the flash­light from afar for a better view, take over the camera if required — all with just one click, while the session is running.

Shared white­board as an aid

Create snapshots live in the session to discuss situa­tions toge­ther on the white­board with anno­ta­tions such as arrows, drawings or texts. The images can be saved to preserve the know­ledge.

Clear display of media in the split screen

View images (inclu­ding live anno­ta­tions on the white­board), videos and docu­ments (e.g. manuals or service videos) toge­ther synchro­no­usly and in parallel with the current video stream in indi­vi­du­ally adjus­table split-screen mode.

Proac­tive trans­la­tion of exch­anged messages

Over­come language barriers and have chat messages trans­lated live into your own languagein Remote Main­ten­ance sessions or in the Instant Messenger.

Coll­ected know­ledge available in the history

Access media and infor­ma­tion from archived sessions at any time; the know­ledge data­baseexpands with every session. You can also manage service docu­men­ta­tion via the call history.

Easy connec­tion to your systems via inter­faces

Connect bitnamic CONNECT with your ticket system, for example Sales­force, and/or customer portal via a prede­fined inter­face.

Visua­lize CAD models

3D Manager

Parti­cu­larly complex issues should be discussed using 3D models before a partial disas­sembly of the machine or system is carried out?

Our 3D Manager was speci­ally desi­gned for the visua­liza­tion of parts, compon­ents and assem­blies without passing on sensi­tive data.

bitnamic CONNECT smart glasses

Synchro­nous, inter­ac­tive access to 3D models

View and navi­gate in CAD models toge­ther with other session parti­ci­pants; any changes made are displayed synchro­no­usly.

Clear visua­liza­tion of indi­vi­dual compon­ents using intui­tive tools

Use helpful tools such as the inte­grated compo­nent list, the adjus­table exploded view, the trans­pa­rency slider, the selec­tive marking or hiding of selected compon­ents or the text and anno­ta­tion func­tion.

Easy access to 3D models and scenes thanks to clear cate­go­riza­tion

Save edited 3D models (inclu­ding anno­ta­tions, fade-outs, markers, selected degree of explo­sion, etc.) as scenes and use them again for future problems. You can find the models and scenes you need in seconds using the search func­tion.

Fast, secure opening thanks to one-time conver­sion

Convert CAD models (in .stp/.glb format) just once to open them quickly in future without long loading times, even on smart­phones, tablets or smart glasses — no data is saved on the end device.

bitnamic CONNECT Remote Maintenance service technician
bitnamic CONNECT Remote Maintenance expert

Smart glasses

Augmented reality

Issues should be presented even better and in more detail?

Use Remote Main­ten­ance with augmented reality (AR) on smart glasses if you need both hands free for work. You can also use the AR mode on your smart­phone.

All infor­ma­tion on display with smart glasses

Benefit from more mobi­lity by recei­ving all the infor­ma­tion you need via smart glasses in your field of vision, leaving both hands free to work on machines.

Augmented reality with the Micro­soft Holo­Lens

Expand reality with virtual content using the Micro­soft Holo­Lens 2 and make all work processes easier thanks to the spati­ally fitting over­lays it provides.

Augmented reality on smart­phones

Place and label AR elements such as virtual flags directly in the video stream to high­light certain aspects in the room or create descrip­tive step-by-step instruc­tions live.

Ever­y­thing in sight

360° Viewer

Whether it’s during comple­tion, product accep­tance, inspec­tions or parts deli­veries — you want to keep an eye on every detail?

Use Remote Main­ten­ance in combi­na­tion with a 360° camera to provide not only image sections but also a full all-round view.

Direct trans­mis­sion of the 360° video image in the current session

Move inde­pendently in the all-round image to get a complete picture of the situa­tion. Alter­na­tively, you can switch to guided mode so that each parti­ci­pant moves synchro­no­usly in the same image section.

Quick high­lighting of image elements using a laser pointer

Use the laser pointer by mouse click or fingertip to point out specific objects in the 360° image. If the laser pointer spot is outside the other parti­ci­pants’ field of vision, the direc­tion indi­cator will guide them directly to it.

Easy expl­ana­tion of facts with the 360° white­board

Create a snapshot live in the session to discuss situa­tions toge­ther on the 360° white­board with helpful anno­ta­tions. You can move freely in the 360° image or a parti­ci­pant can control the viewing direc­tion. The images can be saved and reopened in the 360° white­board at any time.


Exch­ange messages and work toge­ther

Instant Messenger

You want to contact custo­mers, experts and tech­ni­cians for a quick exch­ange of messages and media in indi­vi­dual or group chats — without an app?

Forgo messa­ging services such as WhatsApp and use our service chat instead: it combines the advan­tages of well-known messen­gers with solid data protec­tion.

Fast trou­ble­shoo­ting via message exch­ange

Send texts, photos, videos, docu­ments or voice messages in indi­vi­dual or group chats and resolve many problems before the actual Remote Main­ten­ance call.

Imme­diate use possible without any app down­load

Use the Instant Messenger in the web browser or mobile browser of your smart­phone or tablet, without having to down­load the app first.

Safe trans­mis­sion thanks to GDPR compli­ance and data protec­tion

Encou­rage your employees to share ideas with each other to solve problems quickly and cost-effec­tively without having to worry about GDPR compli­ance or the protec­tion of your data.

Versa­tile in use

Appli­ca­tion possi­bi­li­ties

You are wonde­ring whether Remote Main­ten­ance is also suitable for appli­ca­tions in your industry?

Origi­nally deve­loped for service and main­ten­ance, our solu­tion can also be used in other areas.

Remote support of all kinds

Support your employees remo­tely in assembling, cons­truc­ting, instal­ling or repai­ringmachines, systems and compon­ents with the help of Remote Main­ten­ance.

All-round solu­tion for your industry

Use remote main­ten­ance in the fields of mecha­nical engi­nee­ring, plant engi­nee­ring, avia­tion, aero­space, agri­cul­tural engi­nee­ring, rene­wable ener­gies, auto­mo­tive, cons­truc­tion machi­nery, produc­tion, logi­stics, health­care, etc.

Remote know­ledge transfer with trai­nings and courses

Hold remote live trai­ning to improve your employees’ exper­tise and save on travel, cate­ring and accom­mo­da­tion costs.


Why bitnamic CONNECT – Remote Main­ten­ance?

Your advan­tages at a glance

Shorter down­times

Fast problem solving, quick rein­state­ment of machines and systems

Saved travel and personnel costs

Cost-inten­sive, time-consuming travel by experts is no longer neces­sary

Stronger customer loyalty

Convinced custo­mers thanks to effi­cient service

Intui­tive hand­ling

Fast opening of an inter­ac­tive video session for commu­ni­ca­tion between tech­ni­cian and expert

Easy access

Effort­less access via internet browser, no app down­load required

Device-inde­pen­dent access

Easy access on all end devices inclu­ding smart glasses

User-friendly inter­face

Excel­lent usabi­lity of the user inter­face

Anchored mobile network opti­miza­tion

Audio­vi­sual connec­tion possible even with low band­widths or blocked ports in the guest WLAN

Auto­matic recon­nec­tion

Continued session even if the connec­tion is lost for a short time

Auto­no­mous action

Flexible connec­tion setup without the need for prior IT appr­oval from the customer

Inter­ac­tive use

Synchro­nous access to func­tions such as laser pointer, flash­light or white­board

Mutual access

Situa­tional take­over of the camera or sharing and recor­ding of the screen by an expert

Parallel display

Simul­ta­neous view of video stream and synchro­nized session modules (white­board, video player, PDF viewer) in split-screen mode

Easy docu­ment exch­ange

Mutual trans­mis­sion of docu­ments, images, videos or chat messages during the session

Instant Messenger

Fast exch­ange of messages and media even before the video call, inclu­ding live trans­la­tion and solid data protec­tion

Inter­ac­tive 3D Manager

Synchro­nous visua­liza­tion and editing of CAD models without passing on sensi­tive data

All-round filming 360° Viewer

Inde­pen­dent and group view of 360° trans­mis­sions inclu­ding the option of synchro­nous anno­ta­tion in the 360° white­board

Saved call history

Quick retrieval of archived meetings inclu­ding exch­anged media and infor­ma­tion

Inte­grated inter­faces

Direct transfer of data via APIs to programs in your IT land­scape, e.g. call histo­ries to your ticket system or Sales­force

Various fields of appli­ca­tion

Variable use, e.g. for service, main­ten­ance, assembly, instal­la­tion, moni­to­ring of produc­tion processes, trai­ning, etc.

Various indus­tries

Nume­rous areas of appli­ca­tion in the fields of mecha­nical engi­nee­ring, plant engi­nee­ring, avia­tion, aero­space, agri­cul­tural engi­nee­ring, rene­wable ener­gies, auto­mo­tive, cons­truc­tion machi­nery, logi­stics, health­care, etc.

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality and smart glasses for even more effi­cient work­flows and more mobi­lity

GDPR-compliant data protec­tion

Secure hosting with server loca­tion in Germany

Own design

Free choice between stan­dard design, white label bran­ding or company-specific corpo­rate design

We would be happy to present bitnamic CONNECT – Remote Main­ten­ance to you live
