
bitnamic CONNECT infor­ma­tion mate­rial

Learn more about bitnamic CONNECT, for free and without obli­ga­tion. The most important infor­ma­tion, compactly summa­rized as PDFs, is available for down­load.

At a glance

bitnamic CONNECT Flyer

What func­tions and modules does bitnamic CONNECT offer? What are the advan­tages of the all-round solu­tion for remote service in industry? Our flyer summa­rizes the most important infor­ma­tion, short and concise.



What added value does bitnamic CONNECT offer?

What can bitnamic CONNECT do that other commu­ni­ca­tion soft­ware or messenger services cannot? Our compa­ri­sons show the simi­la­ri­ties – and the many useful features and modules that only bitnamic CONNECT offers.

If you would like to know more about the indi­vi­dual features, simply click on the corre­spon­ding icon in the PDF or make a demo appoint­ment with our sales team for a no-obli­ga­tion initial consul­ta­tion.



From the first conver­sa­tion to the final coor­di­na­tion – our sche­dule shows step by step how bitnamic CONNECT is initia­lized in your company. Based on your indi­vi­dual ideas and wishes, there are several options to choose from.

bitnamic CONNECT Download Onboarding

Discover the advan­tages of bitnamic CONNECT live
