Upco­ming events

Meet Bitnamic at trade fairs, events and online and find out in a personal conver­sa­tion how bitnamic CONNECT can support your processes.

Skyline Frankfurt.

KVD Service Congress Essen,
06 — 07 Nov. 2024

‘Inno­va­tive keynote spee­ches and exci­ting specia­list sequences, plus an accom­panying trade fair with nume­rous exhi­bi­tors — that’s the KVD Service Congress Essen, which deals inten­si­vely with the future of services every year, always with a new focus.’

Past events

Skyline Frankfurt.

Achema Frank­furt, 10 — 14 June 2024

“The world forum for the process industry. Manu­fac­tu­rers and service provi­ders from over 50 count­ries present products for the chemical, phar­maceu­tical, biotech­no­logy, energy and envi­ron­mental sectors. This makes the world’s leading trade fair ACHEMA the most important source of inspi­ra­tion for the inter­na­tional process industry.”

Elbphilarmonie. Empack logo and the date of the trade fair. 12-13 June 2024

EMPACK Hamburg, 12 — 13 June 2024

“Empack, the regional trade fair for the pack­a­ging industry. EMPACK is a perma­nent fixture for all suppliers and users who deal with primary and secon­dary pack­a­ging mate­rials through to pack­a­ging and filling tech­no­lo­gies and auto­mated solu­tions.”

Skyline Frankfurt.

Achema Frank­furt, 10 — 14 June 2024

“The world forum for the process industry. Manu­fac­tu­rers and service provi­ders from over 50 count­ries present products for the chemical, phar­maceu­tical, biotech­no­logy, energy and envi­ron­mental sectors. This makes the world’s leading trade fair ACHEMA the most important source of inspi­ra­tion for the inter­na­tional process industry.”

Elbphilarmonie. Empack logo and the date of the trade fair. 12-13 June 2024

EMPACK Hamburg, 12 — 13 June 2024

“Empack, the regional trade fair for the pack­a­ging industry. EMPACK is a perma­nent fixture for all suppliers and users who deal with primary and secon­dary pack­a­ging mate­rials through to pack­a­ging and filling tech­no­lo­gies and auto­mated solu­tions.”
