Smart­Ser­vice 4.0 stands for the use of the latest digital tech­no­lo­gies in the tech­nical customer service of AMAZONEN-Werke H. Dreyer GmbH & Co. KG. In addi­tion to the use of virtual and augmented reality for trai­ning courses, the Bitnamic Remote Service compo­nent is used on smart glasses for real-time support of the tech­ni­cians on site. On the occa­sion of Agri­tech­nica 2017, AMAZONEN-WERKE was awarded a silver medal for the inno­va­tive solu­tion from Smart­Ser­vice 4.0. AMAZONE service specia­lists can connect digi­tally with agri­cul­tural machi­nery service tech­ni­cians world­wide using a wide variety of hard­ware (compu­ters, tablets, cell phones or smart glasses). An audio and video connec­tion, coupled with a variety of addi­tional func­tions, such as the use of a laser pointer or the remote trig­ge­ring of screen­shots, enables digital networ­king for optimal colla­bo­ra­tion. The infor­ma­tion is displayed on the data glasses, directly in the field of vision of the service tech­ni­cian. The hands conve­ni­ently remain free for main­ten­ance work. A solu­tion can ther­e­fore be worked on toge­ther and in real time without the high quality and tech­ni­cally complex agri­cul­tural machi­nery resul­ting in long down­times due to travel times. This simple and effi­cient commu­ni­ca­tion is made possible by the use of our Remote Main­ten­ance Assis­tance soft­ware . This soft­ware, speci­ally deve­loped for indus­trial use, was indi­vi­du­ally adapted, inte­grated and expanded by us in accordance with the indus­trial requi­re­ments of AMAZONE.
