In the article by the Fraun­hofer Insti­tute for Manu­fac­tu­ring Tech­no­logy and Advanced Mate­rials IFAM, you can read how the use of our Smart Service soft­ware simpli­fies and opti­mises processes in adhe­sive bonding tech­no­logy. Both mobile devices and state-of-the-art smart glasses are used. In combi­na­tion with our Smart Service soft­ware, supporting instruc­tions and important data are made available in real time. The article with infor­ma­tion on the proce­dure and the bene­fits can be found online at the follo­wing link: Daten­brillen in der Quali­täts­si­che­rung ( (article only available in german language)
