Bitnamic welcomes spring with new inno­va­tions: the latest release 6.1.1 of our remote service solu­tion bitnamic CONNECT is here.

The update not only offers many opti­miza­tions of exis­ting func­tions and modules, but also two brand new features that signi­fi­cantly improve remote team­work.

Live trans­la­tion of chat messages

A machine breaks down at your second loca­tion abroad. The tech­ni­cian cont­acts an expert, but speaks no English, which makes cons­truc­tive commu­ni­ca­tion impos­sible.

The new release of bitnamic CONNECT offers a fast solu­tion: trans­late chat messages in Remote Main­ten­ance sessions as well as in our Instant Messenger live into your own language.

Your bene­fits:

+ Proac­tive trans­la­tion of exch­anged messages

+ Quick and easy with a click

+ Language pack with 21 languages*

Solve problems world­wide and over­come language barriers with just one click on “Trans­late”.

Inte­rested in testing the new trans­la­tion feature right away? Contact our Sales Manager Chris­to­pher Poelker and get your free test credit.


* The language pack will be constantly expanded and curr­ently includes the follo­wing languages: German, English, Spanish, French, Croa­tian, Hunga­rian, Italian, Polish, Portu­guese, Slove­nian, Korean, Russian, Viet­na­mese, Chinese, Taiwa­nese, Turkish, Thai, Indo­ne­sian, Japa­nese, Ukrai­nian, Persian

Invite parti­ci­pants via SMS

With the new update of bitnamic CONNECT, it is now possible to invite parti­ci­pants to a Remote Main­ten­ance session via SMS. Just click on the link in the received text message to join the video confe­rence. New parti­ci­pants can also be added during an ongoing session.

Your bene­fits:

+ Easy invi­ta­tion to a Remote Main­ten­ance session via SMS

+ Start a Remote Main­ten­ance session in seconds with just one click

+ No app down­load and no account required

Solve problems quickly toge­ther and reduce down­times — with bitnamic CONNECT – Remote Main­ten­ance and invi­ta­tions via SMS.

For more infor­ma­tion on the new bitnamic CONNECT update, please contact our Sales Manager Chris­to­pher Poelker.
