I. Bitnamic
  • How did Bitnamic come into being?

    The origins of Bitnamic GmbH lie in a univer­sity rese­arch project with the aircraft manu­fac­turer Airbus. In 2015, just five years after the start of the project, Bitnamic was founded with the support of an EXIST grant. Thus, a tech­no­logy company was estab­lished in the Osna­brück region that offers service colla­bo­ra­tion solu­tions “Made in Germany” world­wide.

    In the mean­time, our team has grown to 24 employees in the areas of soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment, augmented reality, sales, marke­ting, finance and control­ling. Thanks to our inno­va­tive approach and coope­ra­tion with renowned custo­mers and part­ners, we are resha­ping the future of indus­trial main­ten­ance.

  • What makes Bitnamic stand out in parti­cular?

    Bitnamic stands for inno­va­tion and quality in the field of indus­trial service. Digital trans­for­ma­tion, incre­asing product comple­xity, shortage of skilled workers — we speci­fi­cally address these chal­lenges in service.

    Our solu­tions are conti­nuously deve­loped by highly quali­fied employees based on latest deve­lo­p­ments. With bitnamic CONNECT, we offer an exclu­sive product that is both custo­mizable and device-inde­­pen­­dent.

    The idea is to adapt our solu­tions to your requi­re­ments and fully inte­grate them into your day-to-day work. Digi­tize your service processes with us — make your company fit for Industry 4.0.

II. bitnamic CONNECT
  • What is bitnamic CONNECT and which advan­tages does the soft­ware solu­tion offer?

    With bitnamic CONNECT, you have a compre­hen­sive solu­tion at hand to effi­ci­ently master chal­lenges such as incre­asing product comple­xity, time and cost-inten­­sive main­ten­ance problems as well as a shortage of skilled workers and service compe­tence.

    bitnamic CONNECT has three main modules that you can select or combine indi­vi­du­ally:

    Remote Main­ten­ance:
    Solve problems on machines and systems toge­ther with experts remo­tely via live video and augmented reality.

    Docu­men­ta­tion Hub:
    Make digital know­ledge (manuals, docu­men­ta­tion, instruc­tions, etc.) available for quick access.

    Provide digital customer and employee trai­ning to build sustainable exper­tise.

    bitnamic CONNECT is already in use in nume­rous well-known compa­nies and supports them in maste­ring daily chal­lenges in main­ten­ance and service.

    We would be happy to present bitnamic CONNECT to you live.

  • In detail: bitnamic CONNECT – Remote Main­ten­ance

    Problems with machines and systems cannot always be resolved alone. An expert often has to travel to the site, resul­ting in high travel costs. This can lead to expen­sive, long produc­tion stops due to down­times or non-compli­­ance with SLAs.

    bitnamic CONNECT – Remote Main­ten­ance connects tech­ni­cians on-site with experts world­wide in an inter­ac­tive video confe­rence, inclu­ding many useful tools for trou­ble­shoo­ting. Machines can be fixed faster and no expert has to travel to the site.

    In addi­tion, there are other helpful features such as

    Speci­ally deve­loped for main­ten­ance, bitnamic CONNECT – Remote Main­ten­ance can also be used with low band­width, is device-inde­­pen­­dent (smart­phone, tablet, note­book, desktop or smart glasses) and can be custo­mized.

    A version in your company’s own corpo­rate design is also possible.

    bitnamic CONNECT – Remote Main­ten­ance is not an office commu­ni­ca­tion tool, but has been speci­ally deve­loped for service and main­ten­ance. In contrast, video and commu­ni­ca­tion solu­tions in the end-user sector are usually only desi­gned for private use.

    However, face-to-face trans­mis­sion is not a high prio­rity in a main­ten­ance case — in contrast to a stable connec­tion and encrypted data trans­mis­sion. The focus of bitnamic CONNECT – Remote Main­ten­ance is on solving problems and chal­lenges directly on-site; this saves time and money.

  • In detail: bitnamic CONNECT – Docu­men­ta­tion Hub

    Specific know­ledge is often required for the profes­sional main­ten­ance and servicing of machines and systems. Even expe­ri­enced service tech­ni­cians occa­sio­nally need to refer to addi­tional docu­men­ta­tion and infor­ma­tion.

    The bitnamic CONNECT – Docu­men­ta­tion Hub provides orga­nized, centra­lized and digital access to docu­men­ta­tion and infor­ma­tion, which can be cate­go­rized and sear­ched:

    Speci­ally deve­loped for main­ten­ance, the bitnamic CONNECT — Docu­men­ta­tion Hub is acces­sible even with low band­width, device-inde­­pen­­dent (smart­phone, tablet, note­book, desktop or even smart glasses) and indi­vi­du­ally custo­mizable.

    A version in your company’s own corpo­rate design is also possible.

  • In detail: bitnamic CONNECT – Academy

    Trai­ning employees, coun­ter­ac­ting staff turnover and the shortage of skilled workers - the right trai­ning and transfer of specia­list know­ledge is crucial for this.

    With the help of bitnamic CONNECT – Academy, employees and custo­mers are trained quickly, easily and from any loca­tion in digital courses, trai­ning, further educa­tion or onboar­ding:

    • Digital trai­ning courses encou­rage inde­pen­dent lear­ning and at the same time ensure that lear­ning progress is moni­tored.
    • Live trai­ning sessions in the form of a mode­rated video confe­rence enable the personal demons­tra­tion of important lear­ning units without costly and time-consuming travel by trai­ners and parti­ci­pants.
    • With the help of the 3D Manager, parts, compon­ents or assem­blies can be visua­lized and complex issues can be clearly explained.

    bitnamic CONNECT – Academy is device-inde­­pen­­dent, versa­tile and custo­mizable.

    A version in your company’s own corpo­rate design is also possible.

  • What distin­gu­ishes bitnamic CONNECT from other remote service soft­ware?

    Diffe­rent chal­lenges, one plat­form — bitnamic CONNECT combines all the modules and func­tions you need for high-quality service in industry in one solu­tion:

    With bitnamic CONNECT – Remote Main­ten­ance, you can solve service problems toge­ther with experts, tech­ni­cians, colle­agues, etc., while the bitnamic CONNECT – Docu­men­ta­tion Hub brings toge­ther all infor­ma­tion in a central digital hub to quickly master minor problems, main­ten­ance or instal­la­tions.

    With bitnamic CONNECT – Academy, you can effec­tively coun­teract the shortage of skilled workers by provi­ding employees or custo­mers with cost-saving digital trai­ning.

    No program changes between modules, no addi­tional logins — with bitnamic CONNECT you have ever­y­thing in one place.

    In addi­tion, there is our “Create Once, Use Ever­y­where” approach: created content can be used multiple times, for example, a lesson from bitnamic CONNECT – Academy serves as a guide for a service tech­ni­cian who can easily access it via the bitnamic CONNECT – Docu­men­ta­tion Hub.

    Unlike many other solu­tions, bitnamic CONNECT does not need to be installed (no program or app down­load is required) and runs on all tech­nical devices, regard­less of the opera­ting system.

    It is also possible to set up inter­faces to other programs or systems such as Sales­force, ServiceNow or MS Dyna­mics. bitnamic CONNECT is not an isolated solu­tion, but can be inte­grated into your company’s internal IT.

    We would be happy to present bitnamic CONNECT to you live and without obli­ga­tion.

  • Is bitnamic CONNECT also available in my own corpo­rate design?

    On request, you get the desktop/browser version of bitnamic CONNECT in your company’s own corpo­rate design or CI-adapted iOS or Android apps.

    Place your own app in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store for your custo­mers and employees to down­load.

  • How can I purchase bitnamic CONNECT?

    Our solu­tion is available in the form of three packages: Starter, Advanced and Enter­prise. We offer a non-committal test phase to help you find the right model for your company.

    Our sales team will be happy to advise you perso­nally on all options.

  • Where is my data stored and which encryp­tion algo­rithms are used?

    Your data (screen­shots, video recor­dings, sent files, etc.) are stored in a cloud. This means that no addi­tional storage capa­city is required on your end devices and the data can be accessed online at any time. Bitnamic also guaran­tees GDPR compli­ance for the highest possible level of data protec­tion.

    In addi­tion, all trans­mis­sions are SSL-encrypted. This provides the same level of secu­rity as for online banking.

  • Can soft­ware solu­tions by Bitnamic be connected to other systems, such as Sales­force?

    bitnamic CONNECT adapts to your company — not the other way around. Thus, our solu­tion can also be started from other systems.

    With the help of prede­fined inter­faces, links to appli­ca­tions, ticket systems and/or customer portals that you already use in your day-to-day work are no problem. For example, you can inte­grate bitnamic CONNECT into Sales­force, ServiceNow or MS Dyna­mics.

    We gladly discuss your indi­vi­dual requi­re­ments with you and adapt our solu­tion speci­fi­cally to your wishes and systems.

  • Who is already using Bitnamic solu­tions?

    bitnamic CONNECT is used by big, medium-sized and small compa­nies in a wide range of indus­tries.

    From mecha­nical engi­nee­ring, plant cons­truc­tion, produc­tion, avia­tion, aero­space, agri­cul­tural tech­no­logy, rene­wable ener­gies, auto­mo­tive and cons­truc­tion machi­nery to logi­stics, health­care and rese­arch — our solu­tions are used successfully across all indus­tries.

    We would be happy to discuss the various possible appli­ca­tions in your company with you.

  • Do I have to buy certain devices to be able to use bitnamic CONNECT?

    bitnamic CONNECT is not limited to any specific hard­ware and can ther­e­fore be easily used on the devices you already own. Whether smart­phone (iOS, Android), tablet, note­book or PC — you choose the device that best suits your service processes.

    Do you need both hands when working, for example in high-risk areas? Simply use our soft­ware solu­tion via smart glasses to work hands-free. If you wish, we would be happy to intro­duce you to refe­rence hard­ware, which you can also purchase from us.

III. Augmented Reality
  • What is augmented reality and what oppor­tu­ni­ties does it offer in industry?

    Augmented reality (AR) is beco­ming incre­asingly important in the indus­trial sector. Reality is enhanced with virtual elements. In contrast to virtual reality (VR), however, the envi­ron­ment remains visible.

    Augmented reality can be used with a wide variety of hard­ware, such as smart­phones: the camera image is shown on the display and over­laid with virtual infor­ma­tion. bitnamic CONNECT – Remote Main­ten­ance offers a special AR mode for this purpose.

    Smart glasses take things a step further by provi­ding displays in the user’s field of vision. This means that AR content is always visible and hands are free for other work.

    Augmented reality head­sets offer the most exten­sive possi­bi­li­ties. Thanks to the built-in sensors, they can capture the envi­ron­ment spati­ally and posi­tion virtual elements in the entire field of vision. Objects can thus be over­laid precisely and ensure a fusion of reality and virtual content. Spatial inter­ac­tion between real and virtual elements is also possible.

    The Micro­soft Holo­Lens is a good example of an augmented reality headset: internal sensors detect the room and holo­gra­phic objects can be placed within the room. If the wearer changes posi­tion, the virtual objects remain in their original physical loca­tion.

    You can find more infor­ma­tion about augmented reality in industry in our bitnamic CONNECT smart glasses guide.

  • Which smart glasses are supported?

    Curr­ently, the Real­Wear Navi­gator 520, Real­Wear Navi­gator 500, Vuzix M400 and Micro­soft Holo­Lens 2 smart glasses are supported.

    Each of these smart glasses has its own parti­cular advan­tages in prac­tical use. You can find a compa­rison of the top 3 smart glasses for industry in our maga­zine.

    You can find more infor­ma­tion on augmented reality and smart glasses in our smart glasses guide. We can also advise you on which model is best suited to the daily chal­lenges in your company.

    In general, our solu­tion is hard­­ware-inde­­pen­­dent and can be linked to the smart glasses you require.

  • What is the diffe­rence between smart glasses and mixed reality devices such as the Micro­soft Holo­Lens?

    While smart glasses use 2D displays to show supporting infor­ma­tion in the user’s peri­pheral field of vision, the Holo­Lens mixed reality device from Micro­soft can display spati­ally appro­priate virtual over­lays on real objects. It does not use a sepa­rate display, but visual elements that are located in front of both eyes in the field of vision. This means that the entire room can be used to place infor­ma­tion.

    This increases clarity and effi­ci­ency immensely. Toge­ther with the scan­ning of the room by the inte­grated sensors, it is possible for spatial over­lays to appear posi­tioned stably even when the user is moving. Just like smart glasses, the Holo­Lens also enables hands-free working.

    You can find more infor­ma­tion about the Micro­soft Holo­Lens 2 in our maga­zine and the bitnamic CONNECT smart glasses guide.

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