At this year’s Hanover Fair, we are presen­ting our Augmented Reality and Remote Service solu­tion Remote Main­ten­ance Assis­tance (RMA).

Visi­tors can put them­selves in the shoes of a tech­ni­cian or remote expert on site and get to know our Smart Service solu­tions for loca­tion-inde­pen­dent, colla­bo­ra­tive machine fault clearance in person. A mobile-opti­mized live video connec­tion with a wide range of features supports you in finding solu­tions toge­ther.

Test our solu­tion live on site, whether with a smart­phone, data glasses or Micro­soft Holo­Lens, and see how our Smart Service solu­tion, speci­ally deve­loped for main­ten­ance, revo­lu­tio­nizes your service processes.

Secure your free ticket (worth 70€) under the follo­wing link and visit us from April 23 to 27 at Nieder­sachsen booth A08 in hall 2.
