At the CeBIT in Hannover, visi­tors could not only try out our remote main­ten­ance solu­tion VIOS, but also VIOS Augmented Reality (AR) on the Micro­soft Holo­Lens for the first time.
We are thrilled about the great inte­rest in our solu­tions and the many inte­res­ting discus­sions.
We were also able to welcome promi­nent visi­tors to our stand: Among others, Minister Presi­dent Stephan Weil and the Lord Mayor of Osna­brück Wolf­gang Grie­sert were on site and tried out our AR appli­ca­tion at the Holo­Lens.

Inte­res­ting facts about VIOS AR at CeBIT and the future of indus­trial main­ten­ance can be found here.
