Toge­ther with the Proto­type Party team from Hanover, the Inno­va­ti­ons­Cen­trum Osna­brück (ICO) orga­nised a proto­type party in Osna­brück for the first time on 13 October 2015. Start-up compa­nies and private persons could register to present their inno­va­tive proto­types to an inte­rested audi­ence. In addi­tion, about 50 so-called feed­backers came to touch the proto­types, test them and vote for your favou­rites.

Bitnamic parti­ci­pated in the proto­type party with the HTML5 Call Center, a solu­tion for digital consul­ta­tion. In this proto­type, modern web tech­no­lo­gies were used to enable video-based consul­ta­tions in the browser without being depen­dent on addi­tional plug-ins. We were allowed to present our ideas to the audi­ence and were pleased about the posi­tive feed­back. In the end, we even won the first prize in the feed­back vote of the feed­backer.

Many thanks to the Team Proto­ty­pen­party and the ICO Osna­brück for an all around successful event. Infor­ma­tion about the event and more pictures can be found in the article of the NOZ (external link).
