Industry 4.0 means the intel­li­gent networ­king of people, machines and indus­trial processes through the use of modern infor­ma­tion and commu­ni­ca­tion tech­no­logy. In doing so, a wide variety of busi­ness areas can be opti­mised, such as produc­tion, logi­stics or main­ten­ance.
Industry 4.0 is also a central theme of the Federal Govern­ment’s Digital Agenda. Under the direc­tion of the BMWi, the Industry 4.0 plat­form is to shape digital struc­tural change toge­ther with asso­cia­tions, trade unions and science.
The plat­form also supports compa­nies with an online map that shows where Industry 4.0 is already taking place today with some 250 appli­ca­tion examples.

Industry 4.0 is also an important topic for Bitnamic. VIOS as a modern commu­ni­ca­tion tech­no­logy connects people and machines in various main­ten­ance and service processes. We are ther­e­fore very pleased that VIOS has been included in the Industry 4.0 map as a prac­tical example. The inclu­sion illus­trates the importance of VIOS as an Industry 4.0 solu­tion in prac­tical use, and shows why it is worth inves­ting in digi­tiza­tion. With VIOS, Bitnamic helps compa­nies to opti­mize and moder­nize main­ten­ance and service in order to avoid down­time and save travel costs.

You can find the VIOS entry under the follo­wing link (external): To Industry Map 4.0
