On Saturday, 14.1.2017 a very special event will take place in Osna­brück.

The HackOS is Osna­brück’s first Hacka­thon in the field of Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Reality.

Bitnamic is co-orga­nizer of this event. Toge­ther with the Osna­brück-based startups Adaptvis, Fores­tage Tech­no­lo­gies and Virtual Spice, we would like to show how much poten­tial lies dormant in the Osna­brück area and the Weser-Ems region in the field of Augmented and Virtual Reality.

Parti­ci­pants and guests can get an intro­duc­tion to these new tech­no­lo­gies and develop and imple­ment exci­ting concepts and ideas toge­ther with well-known industry part­ners.

In the course of digi­ta­li­sa­tion and “Industry 4.0”, compa­nies must constantly face new chal­lenges and cleverly consider new possi­bi­li­ties. Augmented or virtual reality opens up a multi­tude of exci­ting appli­ca­tion scena­rios. Toge­ther with the parti­ci­pants of HackOS and repre­sen­ta­tives of the compa­nies FRIMO, Testia, Anla­genbau Habeck, GiS and Salt & Pepper we want to work on topics at the Hacka­thon to show how AR/VR can be used sensibly using the example of industry.

The parti­ci­pants of the event have the oppor­tu­nity to get in direct contact with these inno­va­tive compa­nies. The Hacka­thon offers the chance to work toge­ther with like-minded people on meaningful AR/VR use cases. All results will be published on GitHub.

We at Bitnamic are very much looking forward to the event as well as to a lively parti­ci­pa­tion and hope for a high level of effi­ci­ency!
