In the follo­wing article you can read how TECUMA Systems is revo­lu­tio­ni­zing its service processes with our inno­va­tive Smart Service solu­tion Remote Main­ten­ance Assis­tance.

How the machine manu­fac­turer TECUMA Systems is redu­cing costs and incre­asing customer satis­fac­tion at the same time

TECUMA Systems GmbH, an Osna­brück-based mecha­nical engi­nee­ring company specia­li­sing in pack­a­ging tech­no­logy, slitter rewinders, special machine cons­truc­tion and produc­tion opti­mi­sa­tion, relies on the latest tech­no­lo­gies. Uwe Meyer, Mana­ging Director of TECUMA Systems, explains: “Direct online access to the system controls and all asso­ciated para­me­ters and digi­tally recordable settings has been part of the stan­dard equip­ment of a machine for many years. However, if the operator is to be supported directly during hand­ling on the complex machine / plant, the use of cameras on the main opera­ting units of the machine / plant is often used. Or a service tech­ni­cian is sent directly to the customer”.

In addi­tion to the costly main­ten­ance of the systems, complex malfunc­tions or incor­rect settings have so far been followed by time-consuming and costly service processes. For this reason, a project for the inter­na­tional group LOXY from Norway, with bran­ches in Sweden, Poland, Germany, China and many other count­ries, is equipped with a new digital service concept from TECUMA Systems.

The smart service solu­tion “Remote Main­ten­ance Assis­tance”, from the soft­ware manu­fac­turer Bitnamic GmbH, uses a colla­bo­ra­tive plat­form to enable the machine operator on site to work toge­ther with the remote expert through multi­media inter­ac­tion in real time. Coupled with the Head Mounted Tablet “HMT‑1”, an indus­trial data glasses from Real­Wear and Barcotec, supporting exper­tise is made available to the machine operator directly from a distance. The operator can continue to work freely on the machine with both hands.  The fully auto­mated slitter rewinders for safety mate­rials in the textile sector, which were speci­ally deve­loped for LOXY, are installed and main­tained with Remote Main­ten­ance Assis­tance and are supported during test series on the machine.

Uwe Meyer also mentions: “The elimi­na­tion of the some­times very costly dispatch of service tech­ni­cians, the faster and even more direct support of the opera­tors / main­ten­ance staff at the customer, the possi­bi­lity that the operator can work directly on the machine with both hands and at the same time call up or record infor­ma­tion on the HMT‑1 display will make this type of addi­tional service form very popular in the future”.

BARCOTEC GmbH has been active in the field of auto­matic iden­ti­fi­ca­tion since 1989 and helps custo­mers with mobile devices and compre­hen­sive solu­tion concepts to gain market advan­tages through increased effi­ci­ency. The Austrian company is one of the market leaders in the DACH region in this field. BARCOTEC has been a deve­lo­p­ment partner of Real­Wear for many years and is active throug­hout Europe as a channel partner.

Prac­tical use of Remote Main­ten­ance Assis­tance with HMT‑1 data glasses
