Osna­brück reaches the next stage towards Industry 4.0: The Lower Saxony Ministry of Econo­mics is funding the XR-Inno­va­ti­onHub with nearly 200,000 euros. Bitnamic is excited to be part of this inno­va­tive project to expand digi­tiza­tion in the Osna­brück area.


What is the XR-Inno­va­ti­onHub?

The XR-Inno­va­ti­onHub is a joint project of the iuk Unter­neh­mens­netz­werk Osna­brück, the Wirt­schafts­för­de­rung Osna­brück (WFO), the Wirt­schafts­för­de­rungs­ge­sell­schaft Osna­brü­cker Land (WIGOS) and the consor­tium part­ners Bitnamic, Die Etagen, Halo­cline, mindQ, Third Level as well as the Osna­brück Health­care Acce­le­rator (OHA) and the start-up service of the WFO.

The hub prima­rily serves as an infor­ma­tion center for small and medium-sized compa­nies from the Osna­brück region that would like to

  • gain expe­ri­ence in the field of Extended Reality (XR),
  • learn more about the appli­ca­tion areas of XR,
  • test XR appli­ca­tions live on site.

The funding makes it possible to finance the neces­sary hard­ware and soft­ware for XR tech­no­lo­gies such as virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR). The aim is to show compa­nies the versa­tile uses and nume­rous appli­ca­tion areas of extended reality and thus drive digi­tiza­tion forward.

The XR-Inno­va­ti­onHub is located in the startup center Osna­brück Health­care Acce­le­rator (OHA) and is expected to be acces­sible in spring 2022.

For more infor­ma­tion on the Hub project (in German), please visit the Wirt­schafts­för­de­rung Osna­brück website.

Want to learn more about how you can use augmented reality in your ever­yday work? Our compa­rison of the top 3 smart glasses for industry pres­ents the best AR hard­ware and diffe­rent areas of appli­ca­tion.
