Lübeck/Osnabrück, January 30, 2023 - Possehl Digital GmbH, a subcom­pany of the Lübeck-based manage­ment holding company L. Possehl & Co. mbH, has acquired a 25% stake in the Osna­brück-based digital company Bitnamic GmbH. Possehl Digital is thus expan­ding its corpo­rate port­folio in the second year of its foun­da­tion with the addi­tion of a specia­list in augmented reality for mecha­nical engi­nee­ring, while the new share­holder opens up a wide range of oppor­tu­ni­ties for Bitnamic to network and expand its product port­folio.

Bitnamic stands for inno­va­tion through modern tech­no­lo­gies in main­ten­ance, repair and service. The company specia­lizes in digi­tizing tradi­tional service processes. To this end, Bitnamic offers an augmented reality (AR) remote service solu­tion that allows custo­mers or field service tech­ni­cians to connect quickly and effi­ci­ently with product experts from customer service for effi­cient problem solving in the event of main­ten­ance, regard­less of loca­tion.

“Crea­ting some­thing new toge­ther, opti­mi­zing exis­ting service processes toge­ther — that’s our philo­sophy,” says co-founder Rolf Behrens. “In coope­ra­tion with our custo­mers and part­ners, and now also with Possehl Digital, we want to reach the next level of digital main­ten­ance processes.” Bitna­mic’s solu­tions are used in various indus­tries, in parti­cular in mecha­nical and plant engi­nee­ring.

Possehl Digital is the youn­gest of a total of 10 busi­ness units of the Possehl Group. In this context, Possehl Digital has set itself the goal of advan­cing digital trans­for­ma­tion, parti­cu­larly in medium-sized compa­nies, and ther­e­fore forms part­ner­ships and parti­ci­pa­tions with digital solu­tions along the main value chains as well as important support processes.

“True to our motto “From medium-sized compa­nies for medium-sized compa­nies”, we are consis­t­ently expan­ding our solu­tion port­folio and our digi­tiza­tion exper­tise for the Possehl Group with its appro­xi­m­ately 220 compa­nies. What our own compa­nies need and consider to be good is also well received in the market,” says Dr. Joachim Brenk, CEO at Possehl and also respon­sible for the digital deve­lo­p­ment of the Possehl Group.

“Bitnamic ideally comple­ments our digital range of services. There are already various projects with Bitnamic in the Possehl Group, but also many other poten­tial appli­ca­tions that have not yet been realized. In addi­tion, there are concrete new product ideas, which we want to develop toge­ther with Bitnamic,” says Dr. Myriam Jahn, Busi­ness Unit Manager of Possehl Digital, about the new parti­ci­pa­tion.

For Bitnamic, the merger means in parti­cular to further develop its own broad range of services by coope­ra­ting with the in some cases signi­fi­cantly diffe­rent busi­ness models of the Possehl Group and to be able to offer the best solu­tions on the market that are suitable for medium-sized compa­nies. “We are looking forward to the coope­ra­tion and the oppor­tu­ni­ties that will arise on both sides as a result. What parti­cu­larly convinces us about the Possehl philo­sophy is the great entre­pre­neu­rial freedom and the strong orien­ta­tion towards medium-sized busi­nesses,” empha­sizes co-founder Alexei Koles­nikow.

The majo­rity of Bitnamic GmbH remains under the manage­ment of the two foun­ders Alexei Koles­nikow and Rolf Behrens. As before, the company’s focus is on the new and further deve­lo­p­ment of digital solu­tions in the field of indus­trial service, now with a globally active group of compa­nies as backing.

About Bitnamic:
The Osna­brück-based soft­ware company Bitnamic specia­lizes in remote service colla­bo­ra­tion solu­tions in the field of indus­trial main­ten­ance and has also been working on the poten­tial appli­ca­tions of augmented reality in industry for several years. Bitnamic was founded in 2015 by two fellow students Rolf Behrens and Alexei Koles­nikow as a spin-off from a rese­arch project of the Osna­brück Univer­sity of Applied Sciences with the aircraft manu­fac­turer Airbus. Within a few years, the former start-up grew into a tech­no­logy company with national as well as inter­na­tional custo­mers and part­ners.

You can find more infor­ma­tion about Bitnamic at https://bitnamic.net/en/

About Possehl Digital:
Possehl Digital is one of 10 econo­mic­ally inde­pen­dent busi­ness units of the Lübeck-based Possehl Group. Possehl Digital has set itself the goal of advan­cing the digital trans­for­ma­tion from medium-sized compa­nies for medium-sized compa­nies and parti­ci­pates or enters into part­ner­ships with digital solu­tions along the main value chain as well as important support processes of a medium-sized company from the industry in the B2B envi­ron­ment. Possehl Digi­tal’s current port­folio of compa­nies includes Possehl Analy­tics GmbH, Possehl Online Solu­tions GmbH, cluetec GmbH and Bitnamic GmbH. Further invest­ments and part­ner­ships are planned for the future.  

You can find more infor­ma­tion about Possehl Digital GmbH at www.possehl.digital/en

Contact Bitnamic GmbH:
Bitnamic GmbH
Albert-Einstein-Str. 30
49076 Osna­brück, Germany
Tel: +49 541 3470090–0
E‑mail: info@bitnamic.net

Contact Possehl Digital:
Chris­toph Haß
Invest­ment Direktor
Possehl Digital GmbH
Becker­grube 38–52
23552 Lübeck, Germany
Tel: +49(0)451 148–278
E‑mail: christoph.hass@possehl.digital
