2021 is drawing to a close, but we don’t want to end the year without giving a sneak peek at one of our product high­lights in 2022: the bitnamic CONNECT trai­ning plat­form.

Toge­ther with Hako GmbH, which specia­lizes in clea­ning and muni­cipal tech­no­logy and related commer­cial vehicles, we have deve­loped a comple­tely new, versa­tile module that will comple­ment the port­folio of our bitnamic CONNECT smart service solu­tion.


Employee trai­nings, time- and loca­tion-inde­pen­dent


The trai­ning plat­form is based on two pillars:



  • Online live trai­nings: Employees, service tech­ni­cians, etc. are trained in live trai­ning sessions; with the help of our like­wise new session plan­ning tool, trai­ning appoint­ments can be created and orga­nized.
  • Trai­ning courses: Prepared lear­ning content is bundled into trai­ning courses in the form of lessons; these can be worked through inde­pendently.

Created lessons and trai­ning courses make it possible to prepare employees speci­fi­cally for prac­tical use — inde­pen­dent of time and loca­tion. Lear­ning successes can be evaluated within the system, topics can be weighted differ­ently, and thanks to the dash­board you can always keep track of how many trai­nees have already completed their trai­ning.

This is only a small insight into the nume­rous func­tions and possi­bi­li­ties offered by the bitnamic CONNECT trai­ning plat­form. More infor­ma­tion will follow in the new year.

With this in mind: Have a great holiday season, a happy new year — and stay tuned 😉
