In the current issue of the i‑Quadrat maga­zine for intel­li­gent main­ten­ance we present a scenario to make remote main­ten­ance smarter and more effi­cient. An example from GiS (Gesell­schaft für inte­grierte System­pla­nung) and Bitnamic illus­trates the advan­tages of linking enter­prise asset manage­ment and remote main­ten­ance systems for service and main­ten­ance.

The use of the modern remote main­ten­ance solu­tion VIOS in combi­na­tion with solu­tions such as enter­prise asset manage­ment systems or addi­tional systems such as SCADA, SAP or PDA provides a compre­hen­sive picture of the situa­tion. Experts receive audio-visual and data-based concrete status descrip­tions, the tech­ni­cians on site receive precise and direct instruc­tions for action. A posi­tive side effect is the docu­men­ta­tion of the acti­vi­ties carried out. By using the Remote Main­ten­ance System, recor­dings, arti­facts, images and actual data can be fed back into the docu­men­ta­tion history. This data can be accessed for later main­ten­ance work and records can be used as instruc­tions. This is an important aspect for plant manu­fac­tu­rers, for example, when handing over or performing after-sales service for plants in remote regions. The know­ledge gained, docu­mented as error cause analyses in the know­ledge data­base, can be used to conti­nuously opti­mize plants and main­ten­ance plans. Warranty cases can be clari­fied remo­tely on site, as it were. The number of persons at risk can be mini­mized in areas that are hazar­dous to health or in acces­sible or drivable contai­ners in large plants. The distri­bu­tion and use of third-party exper­tise is another advan­tage.

Further infor­ma­tion on linking VIOS with EAT systems as well as the advan­tages can be found in the i‑Quadrat article online at the follo­wing link or in the 02/2016 issue.

i‑Quadrat article

GiS system house Trans­lated with (free version)
