New release, new features: The current version of our remote service all-in-one package bitnamic CONNECT has a lot to offer. This includes in parti­cular the opti­miza­tion of exis­ting modules as well as brand new func­tions. Some of the key features are briefly presented below.


The mode­rated confe­rence

The confe­rence module, which enables Remote Main­ten­ance sessions with multiple parti­ci­pants, has been enhanced with a number of helpful features, inclu­ding

  • flexible role assign­ment (mode­rator — parti­ci­pant) depen­ding on the confe­rence type (e.g. for larger multi-user sessions or tech­nical trai­nings),
  • diffe­rent level of permis­sions, depen­ding on the role (regar­ding access to func­tions),
  • split screen func­tion for synchro­nized viewing of the current video stream and synchro­nized session modules (i.e. white­board, session video player or session PDF viewer).


Mobile browser support

With this new release, it is now possible to use bitnamic CONNECT on mobile devices without prior app down­load. Remote support can thus be requested on smart­phones and tablets via the mobile brow­sers Safari (iOS) or Chrome (Android). This provides the follo­wing advan­tages, among others:

+ Service support can be requested more quickly

+ Mobile devices, on which no store apps can be installed, have access to bitnamic CONNECT

+ Mobile devices that do not have access to the Google Play Store (such as Harm­onyOS devices by Huawei) have access to bitnamic CONNECT


Extended language package und much more

Having a full under­stan­ding of how to use remote support tools is essen­tial for ensu­ring quick service and fast trou­ble­shoo­ting. That is why we have once again expanded our language package: bitnamic CONNECT is available in a total of 20 languages — from Europe to the Arabic region to Asia.

The latest update of bitnamic CONNECT includes many more inno­va­tions and impro­ve­ments. Please contact our sales team for more infor­ma­tion.


Infor­ma­tion supply in service: How quickly do service tech­ni­cians get the infor­ma­tion they need? Our maga­zine article has the answer — and a solu­tion for bundled infor­ma­tion retrieval.
