Uncer­tain times have dawned with the new decade: The SARS-CoV‑2 coro­na­virus is not only putting us to the test in terms of health, but also econo­mic­ally. Bitnamic GmbH is not exempt from this: We have no personal access to our custo­mers, the borders are closed, air traffic is cancelled until further notice. Probably you as an indus­trial company are facing such hurdles as well. That’s why we’d like to support you in your work — with free licenses of our smart service soft­ware Remote Main­ten­ance.

Solve main­ten­ance and service problems without having to travel

Borders closed, airports closed — no problem with our loca­tion-inde­pen­dent commu­ni­ca­tion solu­tion for service tasks on machines and plants. Remote Main­ten­ance connects service tech­ni­cians and experts in an inter­ac­tive video confe­rence. The live video trans­mis­sion is desi­gned both for WLAN and for mobile use on site. This allows the expert to assist the service tech­ni­cian at any time and from anywhere.

In addi­tion to the audio­vi­sual exch­ange, useful func­tions such as the white­board, which can be used to make anno­ta­tions and high­lights, or the laser pointer, which makes it possible to point out certain areas in the video image, are also available. Of course, docu­ments or images such as screen­shots can also be trans­ferred.

Other fields of appli­ca­tion of Remote Main­ten­ance

Remote Main­ten­ance was origi­nally deve­loped for service and main­ten­ance, but can also be used in other areas. Support your employees by using our soft­ware solu­tion to faci­li­tate the assembly, design or instal­la­tion of systems and compon­ents. If diffi­cul­ties arise, experts can be called in at any time via live video trans­mis­sion.

Regular trai­ning and educa­tion is essen­tial for a successful company, but espe­ci­ally in times of the coro­na­virus it is not feasible. Thanks to Remote Main­ten­ance, your globally dispersed employees don’t have to be trained in one place — the live video connec­tion and features such as the afore­men­tioned docu­ment exch­ange or the white­board enable an equally impres­sive transfer of know­ledge as toge­ther on site.

Our smart service solu­tion for you with free licenses

In chal­len­ging times like these, cohe­sion is essen­tial. That’s why we are curr­ently offe­ring our Remote Main­ten­ance soft­ware in the cloud version with free licenses. The advan­tage for you is that the system is gene­rally ready to go quickly and can be used imme­dia­tely. You are welcome to test Remote Main­ten­ance in advance without obli­ga­tion. Simply arrange a demo appoint­ment with our sales manager Chris­to­pher Siemer.
