2019 is drawing to a close and thus a year full of exci­ting trade fairs, lively exch­ange of know­ledge and inno­va­tive ideas. Some are still in the deve­lo­p­ment stage, others are already mature and ready to be released into the world — like the “instant messenger of the industry”.

The Instant Messenger is the latest compo­nent of our smart service solu­tion Remote Main­ten­ance Assis­tance, or RMA for short. It is a mobile, video-supported soft­ware that faci­li­tates service processes such as main­ten­ance or repairs: A colla­bo­ra­tive plat­form enables the tech­ni­cian on site and the external expert to commu­ni­cate with each other in real time. Thanks to the video trans­mis­sion, the expert imme­dia­tely sees where the problem is and supports the service tech­ni­cian with his exper­tise. With the help of RMA, malfunc­tions can thus be recti­fied quickly, costs reduced and customer satis­fac­tion increased.

The connec­tion is estab­lished via web client or service app. A new addi­tion is the “Instant Messenger for Industry” with server loca­tion in Germany: This enables an even faster exch­ange between service tech­ni­cian and expert before the actual video call. The opera­tion of the Instant Messenger is simple and intui­tive, a customer-specific design is possible on request. Of course, the “Instant Messenger for Industry” also offers all the advan­tages of popular instant messa­ging services:

  • Crea­tion of indi­vi­dual chats and group chats
  • upload media like photos
  • Recei­ving push noti­fi­ca­tions
  • Profile adjus­t­ments such as absence
  • Indi­vi­dual status messages

Connect your help desk, your service tech­ni­cian and your custo­mers — in short, take your service processes to the next level. For further infor­ma­tion contact us.
