
HackOS #2, the Osna­brück AR/VR Hacka­thon

HackOS #2, the Osna­brück AR/VR Hacka­thon

Thirty active parti­ci­pants — four strong indus­trial part­ners — two expe­ri­enced orga­ni­zers — ONE successful day toge­ther! For the second time the Osna­brück AR/VR Hacka­thon HackOS took place last Friday, 27.10.2017. After an inten­sive prepa­ra­tion, coupled with great…

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Smart glasses in quality assu­rance

Smart glasses in quality assu­rance

In the article by the Fraun­hofer Insti­tute for Manu­fac­tu­ring Tech­no­logy and Advanced Mate­rials IFAM, you can read how the use of our Smart Service soft­ware simpli­fies and opti­mises processes in adhe­sive bonding tech­no­logy. Both mobile devices and state-of-the-art…

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Trade fairs in September

Trade fairs in September

In September we will be present at two exci­ting events. On 21 September you will have the oppor­tu­nity to meet us perso­nally at EMO Hannover, the world’s leading trade fair for metal­wor­king. From September 24–26, the smart.Remote Service will take place in Berlin, the…

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Promi­nent visitor at the CeBIT

Promi­nent visitor at the CeBIT

At the CeBIT in Hannover, visi­tors could not only try out our remote main­ten­ance solu­tion VIOS, but also VIOS Augmented Reality (AR) on the Micro­soft Holo­Lens for the first time. We are thrilled about the great inte­rest in our solu­tions and the many inte­res­ting…

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Industry 4.0 at the Hannover Fair 2017

Industry 4.0 at the Hannover Fair 2017

At the Hannover Messe, we will demons­trate toge­ther with SALT AND PEPPER how exis­ting plants can be intel­li­gently networked to display machine and process data in VIOS. The plants are connected by the Beat Moni­to­ring System (BMS) from SALT AND PEPPER. With the BMS and…

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VIOS and VIOS AR at the CeBIT 2017

VIOS and VIOS AR at the CeBIT 2017

Bitnamic deve­lops smart service solu­tions for Industry 4.0 to improve and acce­le­rate tradi­tional service processes. At CeBIT 2017 in Hanover, Germany, we will present our video remote main­ten­ance solu­tion VIOS, which allows you to make the know­ledge of your experts…

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Bitnamic hosts the #HackOS, the Osna­brück Hacka­thon

Bitnamic hosts the #HackOS, the Osna­brück Hacka­thon

On Saturday, 14.1.2017 a very special event will take place in Osna­brück. The HackOS is Osna­brück’s first Hacka­thon in the field of Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Reality. Bitnamic is co-orga­nizer of this event. Toge­ther with the Osna­brück-based startups Adaptvis,…

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VIOS — Smart and effi­cient

VIOS — Smart and effi­cient

In the current issue of the i‑Quadrat maga­zine for intel­li­gent main­ten­ance we present a scenario to make remote main­ten­ance smarter and more effi­cient. An example from GiS (Gesell­schaft für inte­grierte System­pla­nung) and Bitnamic illus­trates the advan­tages of linking…

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VIOS on the map Industry 4.0

VIOS on the map Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 means the intel­li­gent networ­king of people, machines and indus­trial processes through the use of modern infor­ma­tion and commu­ni­ca­tion tech­no­logy. In doing so, a wide variety of busi­ness areas can be opti­mised, such as produc­tion, logi­stics or main­ten­ance.…

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The Osna­­brück-based Bitnamic GmbH specia­lizes in digital (AR) soft­ware solu­tions for remote service and employee trai­ning.

With bitnamic CONNECT, the company offers three multi­func­tional hubs — Remote Main­ten­ance, Docu­men­ta­tion and Academy — in one product to acce­le­rate service processes, save costs and effec­tively coun­teract the shortage of skilled workers.
